VII. Perfect Day

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I wasn't going to update
until Wednesday, but
I couldn't wait anymore because...
You'll see why...

*Aure's POV*

"Aure! Aure!" I could hear someone's voice while I started to regain consciousness.

I opened my eyes slowly and found myself floating in a blue light. There were handcuffs on my wrists and ankles. I tried to move my arms and legs but it was impossible, I was totally restrained. About two meters away from me, Obi-Wan was in the same situation as me. I wasn't wearing his cloak anymore and I didn't have my blasters.

We were in the center of a big dark room with circular shape. The only lights that helped us to see were the blue ones surrounding us.

I tried once again to move my arms, but of course, I couldn't, and I let out a groan of frustration. "It's such a perfect day!" I said sarcastically.

"I'm glad I spent it with you." Obi-Wan said and made me smile. The smiled disappeared when I realized that we were in serious danger; I didn't know what would happen to me, to us. Maybe we wouldn't make it alive. Obi-Wan saw my worried face.

"Aure, it will be okay. We'll be out of here and in Coruscant soon." I nodded looking at the floor, still not convinced. "I won't let anything happen to you. We still have to look at the stars together..." He reminded that sort of date we had planned. None of us had said it was a date, but we knew it was.

Right then, I knew I couldn't die without telling him the three words. Although he knew how I felt, I needed to say it. "Obi-Wan..." I looked at him and he looked back. I gulped. "I lo-"

I couldn't finish because someone interrupted by entering the room. It was Count Dooku.

*Obi-Wan's POV*

Aure was going to say something when Count Dooku entered the room.

"Traitor." I called him as soon as he entered.

"Oh, no, my friend. This is a mistake, a terrible mistake. They've gone too far. This is madness!" He pretended to be horrified.

"I thought you were the leader here, Dooku." I accused.

"This has nothing to do with me, I assure you. I would set you free immediately." He said.

"Well, I hope it doesn't take too long. We have work to do." Aure giggled at this. I looked at her and smiled.

"And who are you?" Dooku asked her and walked towards her slowly.

"Aure Sinder." She answered proudly.

He was surprised. "Oh, so you are the famous Senator Amidala's guard... I've heard of you. I wonder why you aren't with her right now." He thought for a moment. "I suppose you can't protect her... You are captive here, you can't even defend yourself, how could you protect a Senator?" How dare he say that to her? I saw tears were starting to forming in Aure's. My hands were closed in fists.

"Leave her alone, Dooku. She is more dangerous than you think."

Dooku raised his eyebrows and stared at her. "Is she? I can only see a weak girl trying not to cry..." Aure closed her eyes to hide her tears. I looked at Dooku angrily; he was making the girl I loved cry. When the first tear ran down her cheek, Dooku smirked satisfied and walked away from her to talk to me.

"It is a great pity that our paths have never crossed before, Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon always spoke highly of you." He paused for some seconds, like talking about my Master was something painful for him. "I wish he was still alive. I could use his help right now."

Attachment Shouldn't be Forbidden (Obi-Wan x OC)》under editionWhere stories live. Discover now