VI. Fights, Discoveries and Geonosis

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*Obi-Wan's POV*

The next day, Aure and I barely talked to each other. I stole glaces at her several times, but she wouldn't look back, she wouldn't smile. She wasn't herself and it broke my heart seeing her like that, knowing that I was the cause of her sadness. She was sad because of me, because she wanted something that I couldn't give her, although I really wanted to.

That morning, Aure and I were conducted to the door of Jango Fett's apartment. The alien knocked on the door, which opened, and a kid looked at us. He was identical to the young clones we had seen the previous day.

"Boba, is your father here?" The alien asked him. Boba nodded after a brief pause and stepped aside, letting Aure and I enter.

The boy called for his father, who eyed Aure and me with suspicion.

"These are Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Aure Sinder. They have come to check on our progress." The alien introduced us before leaving.

"Your clones are very impressive." I congratulated while his eyes were fixed on me.

Aure, who stood beside me, hit my side with her elbow. I turned my head to her; she was looking a half-open door, through which a couple of pieces of body armour could be seen on the floor. Jango Fett quickly moved in front of us, blocking the view.

"Have you ever made your way to Coruscant?" Aure asked him.

"Recently?" I added.

"Possibly..." He answered eying Aure carefully.

"Then you must know Master Sifo-Dyas?" I asked as Boba moved to close the door. "Isn't he the Jedi who hired you for this job?"

"Never heard of him. I was recuited by a man called Darth Tyranus." After some seconds of silence, Jango asked "Do you like your army?"

"We look forward to seeing them in action." Aure said with a smirk.

I ended the conversation. "Thank you for your time."

"Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi, even better if it's two of them." I could sense Aure trying not to laugh at the thought of her being a Jedi.

Aure and I got out and the door slided closed.

*Aure's POV*

When we left Jango's apartment, I finally talked to Obi-Wan, which I hadn't done yet that day. He hadn't done anything wrong; I just didn't feel like talking with him after the previous day's conversation.

"It's definitely him." I told him. He turned to look at me. "Why didn't we get him and just take him to Coruscant?"

"It wasn't the right place nor the right time, Aure. He's very protected by the Kaminoans, it wouldn't have ended up well." I nodded in agreement.

We headed to the main door, where the Prime Minister was waiting for us to say goodbye.

"Tell your Council the first battalions are ready." He told us.

"We won't forget." I said bowing.

Obi-Wan and I left and walked out to the rain. On the other side of the huge landing platform, Jango Fett and his son stood by a spaceship, getting ready to leave. How did they manage to get out so fast? Obi-Wan drew his lightsaber and I took my blasters. We ran towards him, but he fired at us. Obi-Wan blocked all the shots with his saber, protecting both of us while I fired at Jango. However, the bounty hunter was fast and his armour was strong. Of course, I didn't want to kill him, we just needed information; I wanted to shoot his arm or his leg so he couldn't escape.

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