II. The Day I Left Naboo

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*Aure's POV*

When Padmé and Anakin left, I went to the balcony and admired the big city. I didn't think I'd ever get used to it, the noise, the hundreds of people, the speeders flying around...

I heard footsteps behind me and it could only be Obi-Wan. I took a deep breath when he stood next to me and rested his hands on the balcony's railing.

"You're looking at Coruscant the same way you did the first time you came." His comment made me smile, he still remembered that day.

"This place will never stop amazing me." I looked around before adding "It's been a long time, Kenobi."

"Ten years..." His voice was softer than when we were discussing with his padawan and the Senator. "It has been more time than I wished."

"I suppose a lot has happened. Being a Jedi Master must be exciting."

"More exhausting than exciting." He replied and we both laughed. "Anakin is a great apprentice, he just needs to control himself sometimes. I do my best to keep patient." Then, he asked "What about you? What happened in your life during the last ten years?"

"Oh, you know, the usual: I stopped being the Queen's lifeguard to be the Senator's instead. I travel much more now, which is great; I got used to being away from home. My life hasn't been as interesting as yours. You wouldn't want to know." I smiled and shook my head while saying that.

We looked at each other for some seconds before he said "I want to know everything, Aure."

And so we spent a lot of time catching up, sharing memories, telling each other important and not so important events. We talked, we laughed and joked and ended up sitting on the floor. I realized how much I had missed these conversations with him. He was always so serious and distant, but it was in moments like this that I could see the real Obi-Wan, not just the Jedi.

He became serious and looked at the city in front of us. "Do you remember what happened before I left Naboo?"

I blushed. I knew we would talk about it, it had to happen.

"Of course I remember, Obi-Wan. We... We kissed." I answered.

"And I said I loved you..." He continued and looked at me; our eyes met.

"And I said I loved you too..." Our faces were getting closer and my eyes closed.

"And you promised that you would remember me..." I could feel his breath already, but his head turned away. "Did you?"

I opened my eyes and looked at him confused. "Did I what?"

"Did you remember me?"

"Of course I did, Obi! I would think about you all the time." And that was the honest truth.

"It seemed like you didn't know me when we met today." He said with a sad tone.

"Well, you've really changed... it was difficult to recognize you." I explained. "You have this now." I caressed his beard which I liked a lot already.

He frowned. "You don't like it?"

I laughed. "I don't mean that! It suits you." He blushed and I thought he was as cute as always. "It just makes you look older, more mature. But I look into your eyes and I see the same young man I met ten years ago."

"You don't look different at all, just like I remembered you. So beautiful..." He stopped for a moment. "I really meant it when I said I loved you." My heart jumped at his words.

"So did I." I tried to sound as calmed as possible, but I was screaming inside.

"Do you still feel something for me?" I didn't know what to answer to that.

Attachment Shouldn't be Forbidden (Obi-Wan x OC)》under editionWhere stories live. Discover now