~ Family Issues ~ (p.2)

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*Aure's POV*

I went to the Temple's landing platform at 3 and, just like he has told me, Obi-Wan was already there. I didn't want him to come to Hoth with me. I was risking my life to safe my parents and I did not want to risk his as well, but there was no way of changing his mind.

"You should stay here." I warned him once I was next to him.

He just shook his head and entered the spacecraft. I followed him and the door closed behind us. Obi-Wan and I sat at the cockpit and he drove the ship. Unlike that time we went to Kamino, this ship had enough space for more than two people. Obviously, if we were planning on rescuing my parents, we would need space for them.

I stayed silent during the whole trip. Obi-Wan would steal glances at me and he tried to start a conversation many times, but I just answered with nods of my head and hums. I didn't feel like talking at that moment; I was too deep in thought, too worried and too scared to care about anything he told me.

Eventually, Obi-Wan took one of my hands in his while he drove the ship with the other one, making me pay attention to him. "Listen, Aure, I don't know what's going to happen in Hoth, but I promise-"

I interrupted him. "Don't promise anything, Obi-Wan. That's the rule."

"Of course..." He released my hand. "No promises."


We arrived hours later to Hoth. The ship landed on a deserted area; no animals, no people, no plants... Just the shiny snow that covered the planet, which made it look beautiful. The blue sky disappeared behind the clouds. The sun's reflection on the snow blinded me for some seconds, but my vision came back to normal soon after. The scenery was beautiful, there was no doubt about that, but the situation made it a disgusting place to me.

As soon as I got out of the spaceship, the wind hit my face and the coldness got into my bones. I shivered while I pulled my black cloak over my shoulders, trying to keep myself warm. It was snowing lightly, so when I saw Obi-Wan's beard decorated with snowflakes, I emited a weak giggle. This caused him to smile for the first time since he got the news of my parents' kidnapping. I think his smile made me feel a bit better, even safer.

"We need to find Dooku." I noted and he nodded his head, which was covered under his cloak's hood. "How do we start? We can't just walk through the snow for hours. We could freeze to death."

Obi-Wan thought for a moment, looking around at the landscape.

"I sense Dooku is very close." He said frowning.

"Do you mean 'close' like dangerously close?" I said while I reached for my blaster.

"No... 'Close' like we may find him if we look around for a while." He replied.

So we looked for Count Dooku for what felt like hours. Actually, I just followed Obi-Wan, who could sense Dooku thanks to the Force. It was in moments like this that I wished I had been a Jedi; the Force was actually useful in many situations, and this was one of them.

My hands were now red because of the cold and my cloak wasn't enough to protect me from the freezing wind. Just when I thought I couldn't keep on searching, we found the entrance of a cave hidden by rocks and snow; it wasn't protected by droids or soldiers, so I doubted that Dooku was actually in there. All my doubts disappeared when I heard a woman's shriek; I decided to go into the cave, suspecting that it came from my mother.

"Aure, wait." I heard Obi-Wan, but I didn't obey.

I ran to the origin of that sound, Obi-Wan following close behind me. Each footstep took me closer to a pale light that I could see from afar, until I arrived to a large area inside the cave. There was enough light to see perfectly who was standing in front of me: Count Dooku; and behind him: my parents, sitting on the floor, unable to move. There were also many droids with guns; of course, Dooku wouldn't dare facing me without many droids to defend him.

Attachment Shouldn't be Forbidden (Obi-Wan x OC)》under editionWhere stories live. Discover now