~ Family Issues ~ (p.1)

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*Aure's POV*

I will never forget that day.

I was in class helping the kids with some maths problems, when Anakin knocked on the door and entered the classroom. A smile appeared on my students' faces when they recognized their favorite Jedi standing in from of them. I, on the other hand, was confused. It wasn't common of Anakin to come to the classroom, especially when Padmé was in Coruscant, as she was that day.

"Hello, guys!" My friend greeted the children, who welcomed him. Anakin then turned to me and said "The Council wants to see you, Aure. It's important."

I nodded slowly. "Azha!" I addressed my favorite student; she looked at me. "You are in charge of the class while I'm not here. It won't take long, okay?" She nodded with confidence. I trusted Azha like she was my own child; I knew she was a responsible girl despite her young age.

Anakin and I left the classroom and headed to the Council Chamber.

"Do you know what does the Council want from me?" I asked my friend while we walked through corridors and stairs.

"I have no idea. They didn't tell me, but they made clear that it is something important." He said seriously.

Ever since he became a Knight, Anakin had grown more mature. Still, there were moments in which he was exactly the same boy who would play pranks on his Master almost every day. We were very close friends and he always told me everything; however, I knew there was something that he was hiding from me and probably also from Obi-Wan. I didn't pressure him to tell me, everyone can have secrets, but I suspected it had something to with Padmé.


We arrived to the Council Chamber, but Anakin didn't enter. He wished me good luck before I opened the door and met the Jedi sitting in a circle. As soon as I stood in the center of the room, I glanced at Obi-Wan, who avoided my gaze. I frowned at his reaction.

"Welcome you are, Miss Sinder." Master Yoda greeted.

"It is a pleasure to be here, as always, but may I ask why was my presence asked?" I tried to be as polite as possible; I had got used to it with time.

"By the Separatists, Naboo has been attacked, your home planet." The old green Jedi informed me.

My eyes opened wide in shock. My parents were the first people I thought about. I hoped they were fine.

"Why would the Separatists do that? They must know that Senator Amidala isn't there, she came here almost a week ago." I noted, thinking of any reason why Naboo would be attacked.

"We have a message from Count Dooku." Master Windu added. "And it seems like it is directed to you."

"To me?" I asked in almost a whisper. I glanced at Obi-Wan again, he looked at me with sad eyes.

An hologram appeared in front of me. It was Dooku's message.

He was standing while saying "I suppose you have noticed Naboo is under attack, but we were not attempting to kill Senator Amidala this time. Maybe Aure Sinder can recognize these faces..." Dooku moved to his left, letting me see a man and a woman sat on the floor with handcuffs around their wrists and tears in their eyes. I gasped and covered my mouth in shock to restrain a shout of fear. I could feel my heart breaking; they were my adoptive parents. Dooku talked again. "I guess you want to save them, Sinder. You are welcome here, in Hoth." He smirked before the image faded away. Right before the hologram had totally disappeared, I heard my mother scream in despair.

I clenched my jaw and closed my hands in fists so strongly that I drew some blood with my nails. A shaky breath left my mouth and tears of frustration covered my brown eyes. I had always thought that I was stronger than this, but seeing the two people who raised me in that situation woke something new in me.

Attachment Shouldn't be Forbidden (Obi-Wan x OC)》under editionWhere stories live. Discover now