~ Last Night ~

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*Aure's POV*

Months passed since my parents' death. With time, my broken heart healed and I started to feel much better. Anakin helped me a lot to cope with the pain; he knew how I felt, as his mother had died to. Their death made me realize how many things I could lose during the war. I had already lost two of the most important people in my life, I knew I could lose another one any time and I couldn't bear the thought of losing Padmé, Anakin, Azha or Obi-Wan...

Obi-Wan had supported me while I was recovering from my parent's death, when I felt depressed, when I thought it had been my fault... Whenever I felt bad. However, he couldn't be there with me much time because the Council and the missions kept him very busy. It became very hard for us to find some time to be with each other.

Sometimes, when we were lucky enough and found some time to be alone, we would look at the stars together. It had become our tradition. While we looked at the bright dots on the sky, we talked about love, sadness, our worries, our missions... About anything, except the future. Talking about the future meant making promises, which meant breaking our 'no promises' rule.

It had been almost three years since the war had started and it wasn't likely to end any time soon. In fact, the Separatists seemed to get stronger with time, so the Jedi and I were sent to much more missions. As a result, I didn't have much time to be with the children, but Obi-Wan and I managed to stay close to Azha when we were at the Jedi Temple.

Under these circumstances, Obi-Wan and I barely saw each other. Most of the times we could be together, it was just for a few hours; sleeping with him was unusual. This is why I started to wonder if our relationship would work. When we started, I thought it would be "easy"; we just had to keep it secret. But then, when the war became more serious, I understood that his duty would always be more important than me. He was a Jedi, after all. Many times I wished that we could live together without worrying about the war, without hiding every time we wanted to share a kiss, without pretending that we were happy like that. I knew he felt something similar; Obi-Wan, like me, wanted to live in a way that he could not.


One night, Obi-Wan came to my apartment very worried. We stayed silent sitting on the couch for some minutes, his arm was around my shoulders, holding me close to him. Lately, we didn't talk as much as we used to, maybe because we didn't want to talk about how we felt. Still, the feeling of him close to me was as nice and comforting as always.

"Chancellor Palpatine has been captured by Count Dooku and Grievous." He finally told me. I stiffened when I heard Dooku's name.

I sighed. "And you must rescue him, right?"

He nodded. "Anakin will go with me."

Again: silence. I wanted to ask him how long he would be away, how dangerous it would be, if he would come back... But I didn't ask anything. I already knew the answers: The mission would take weeks; yes, it would be extremely dangerous; and there was no guarantee of him coming back, there never was.

Noticing my discomfort, Obi-Wan ran his fingers through my hair, trying to make me relax, but it didn't work. He proceeded to give me sweet brief kisses on my neck while he murmured "Please, talk to me, darling." I smiled slightly at the nickname. Recently, he had started to love calling me darling.

"When are you leaving?" I asked him between giggles produced by the sensation of his beard tickling my skin.

"Tomorrow morning." He replied and I became serious; I looked at him with a stern look: That was sooner than expected. Usually, he would tell me two or three days before he left. Seeing my reaction, Obi-Wan decided to take my hands in his, giving them a light squeeze; he rested his forehead on mine and closed his eyes. "I should have told you before."

Attachment Shouldn't be Forbidden (Obi-Wan x OC)》under editionWhere stories live. Discover now