V. Look at the Stars

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*Aure's POV*

The next morning, Obi-Wan told me we would take off on the afternoon to go to Kamino. He said he'd wait for me at the landing platform. At my apartment, I made sure my blasters were ready, clean and worked perfectly.

When it was the time, I went to the landing platform and there he was, standing besides a starfighter, which had just enough space for two people. A red and white droid named R4 was next to him.

"Hello, Kenobi." I greeted when I approached him.

"Hello, are you ready?" He asked.

I reached for my two blasters and smirked. "I'm more than ready."

He gave me a weak smile. By the look in his eyes, I noticed he was worried about something.

"Something is troubling you, Obi?" I noted.

"I was thinking about Anakin... His abilities have made him... Well, arrogant. I knew he was too old to start the training and this just proves it and..." He hesitated.

"There's something else?"

He nodded. "He shouldn't have accompanied Senator Amidala to Naboo, I don't think he will be able to protect her."

"Don't you trust on his skills?" I asked in surprise.

"No! His skills are admirable!" Obi-Wan replied quickly. "The problem is he has a... an emotional connection with her. It's been there since he was boy and now he's confused... Distracted." He sighed.

"Do you think he likes her?" I already knew the answer to this.

He thought for a moment. "Possibly. And those feelings will distract him from his duty."

"Will your... feelings for me distract you?" I wouldn't go to the mission if I was a distraction for him.

"I don't think so... I can control my actions. I know my duty is the most important thing. But Anakin probably won't think like that..." I understood: His duty was first. I respected that and that's why I had decided not to form a relationship with him.

"There is nothing you can do right now, Obi." I loved calling him 'Obi' and, by the way his eyes lit up when I did, I knew he loved it too. "You just have to trust that your padawan will act as he's supposed to." I told him.

"I try, but I know he's attached to her and something bad could happen." He suddenly turned around. "Alright, it's time to go!"

He climbed into the cockpit of the starfighter and I followed. We sat down very close to each other, our thighs slightly touching, which was a bit awkward, but none of us moved to stop the contact. It actually felt good.

The starfighter took off and we talked for a while. Then, we stayed silent and I looked at him. He was focused on piloting the machine, with a frown on his face and his beautiful eyes staring at the space and stars in front of us. A small smile appeared on my face when I looked at his lips, which were surrounded by a nice beard. The beard gave him a much more mature look, which I thought was very attractive. Before I knew it, I was thinking about how would that beard feel while kissing him.

"Don't stare, Aure, we're working." He said the same thing I had told him at the Archives library. I looked back at the space, embarrassed.

"There isn't much to look at, so I look at you." Great excuse, Aure!

"It makes me nervous." He told me.

"Really?" I looked back at him with a smirk. I had an idea: I rested my hand on his knee. "Because that's basically how I felt yesterday at the archives..."

Attachment Shouldn't be Forbidden (Obi-Wan x OC)》under editionWhere stories live. Discover now