IV. I Loved Her

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*Obi-Wan's POV*

That afternoon, Aure and I went to the Jedi Temple. The main entrance was bustling with activity; a large number of Jedi were coming out and going inside the building.

In the Temple, Aure followed me through the long corridors until we reached the Archives library. Aure was looking around, curious about every little thing around us. I thought it was very cute and a small smile played on my lips.

When we entered the library, we sat at a table and studied the archive charts in order to find that planet called Kamino. I taught her how to use the charts and she learnt very fast. She understood everything perfectly. I admired her intelligence so much, it was one of her many virtues.

While we looked for our planet, I noticed how beautiful she looked, although there wasn't much light in the library. She had her black hair in a pony tail, but some wild strands fell on her pale face; still, she looked incredibly gorgeous. She was very focused on the charts in front of her; her big brown eyes stared at the screen while she bit her bottom lip. Her lips... How I wanted to kiss them again!

Maybe I spent to much time staring at her beauty, because she smiled slightly and said "Don't stare, Kenobi, we're working."

I quickly looked back at the charts again. "Sorry. I... I'm just tired." That was the first excuse that came to my mind.

She turned to me. "That doesn't surprise me. We've been here for hours and found nothing!" She sighed. Maybe I wasn't tired but she clearly was.

"Maybe I can look for the archivist and ask her for help. She may me a little busy but I can try." I suggested. She looked at me, gave me a small smile and nodded.

So I stood up and looked for the woman that could help us.
I couldn't find her, so I asked a worker to find her for me and tell her I needed her assistance.

While I waited for the help, I stood in front of a bust of Count Dooku, the leader of the Separatist Movement, who was once a Jedi. I wondered why did he leave the Jedi Order, everyone said he was a great Jedi.

While I was looking at the bust, the Jedi archivist, an elderly woman, came.

"Did you call for assistance?" She asked me.

"Yes... Yes, I did..." I answered, distracted in thought.

"He was one of the most brilliant Jedi I have had the privilege of knowing." She told me, talking about Dooku.

"I never understood why he quit."

She sighed. "Well, one might say, he was always a bit out of step with the decisions of the Council... Much like your old Master, Qui-Gon Jinn."

I was quite surprised by the comparison. "Really?"

She laughed at my reaction. "Oh, yes... Very individual thinkers, idealists." She stared at the bust. "In the end, I think he left because he lost faith in the Republic. He disappeared for about ten years, then he showed up recently as the head of the separatist movement."


She continued. "Only nineteen more Jedi have left the Order. There are different reasons. Some of them couldn't stand the presure, other feared turning to the Dark Side, others fell in love..."

"Fell in love?" I asked her with curiosity.

"Yes... They fell in love and decided that their feelings were more important than the Order."

I glanced at Aure, she was still studying the charts. "I understand..." Maybe breaking the Code was worthy?

She changed the topic of the conversation. "Well, I'm sure you didn't call me over here for a history lesson. Are you having a problem, Master Kenobi?"

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