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"Aw, another baby to torture." He rubbed his hands together, smirking. The Knights were listening in on their conversation. He had to be careful not to ruin his act around her.

"Jake. You promised you wouldn't hurt this one. Or touch her at all, rather." The Queen scolded him. He was a man of his word. He promised. And he kept his promises no matter what. Or did he?

"I promised," he started. The Queen smiled, "not to hurt her while you're watching." Jake finished with a mischievous grin on his face. Her smile vanished.

"And no, you can't send her away from here. I'll find her, like the others." Jake said matter-of-factly.

"Why, why do you do this?! Why is my son the abuser of women. Just like his goddamn father." The Queen was pacing the floor, muttering to herself.

"I only learn from the best." Jake said, his tone quite different from before. He sounded humble rather than his arrogant self.

"I can only protect my children so much." Jake had hope in his eyes. His mother now only cared for everyone else, but Jake.

"But I was done protecting you when you decided to hurt your own siblings." The Queen said harshly. Jake frowned.

"Please don't hurt her. Please." The Queen was begging. Something she seldom did. Her sad eyes staring squarely at Jake's.

"I-I c-can't promise anything..." Jake stuttered taking a step back from his mother's gaze.

"Oh, but you will. This is the last child I will have. If you lay one finger on her, I'll kill you personally." The Queen threatened. And only the Royal family knew that the Queen did not joke around.

"I-" Jake started, "-I'll try, but that's all I can say right now." He looked down, pretending to be shameful.

"You better keep your word. Don't pretend and act around me. I see through you. I always will." The Queen walked away from him, ending their conversation, with the baby cradled in her arms.

Princess SaraiWhere stories live. Discover now