7 Years Old

15 1 0

"You can come out if..." The Queen started to bargain.

"If what?" Sarai raised an eyebrow. There was always a catch.

"If Jake doesn't." The Queen said from outside the room. "You act like the reputation I set us up to be or you can stay here like the rodent you are."

"I'd rather stay than at act as if I loved you." Sarai spat.

"How dare you say that to your mother." The Queen scolded.

"Are you sure you're my mother?" This made the Queen silent.

"You're staying, and that's final." The Queen seemed to have left. Sarai smirked though the Queen couldn't see it. Sarai walked back to her balcony where Jake was standing, being silent.








"Same offer?" Jake whispered after the 7th second.

"Similar." Sarai replied, looking at the sunset.

"She offered me staying locked up." Jake said knowingly.

"How did-"

"It's a secret. Just like yours." Jake said. The word secret echoed in Sarai's head.


"-Do you mean, secret?" Jake finished Sarai's sentence.

"Well, Ms. Queen isn't our mother." Jake said straightforward.

"That's why she stayed silent." Sarai understood. Jake nodded.

"Who's our mother then?" Sarai questioned.

"A Mage of course." Jake answered. They heard rustling behind Sarai's door.

Before Sarai could say go, Jake was already in his room. Sarai went inside and closed the balcony, staying calm as always. Sarai looked up. She didn't spot her yet.

"Didn't know I was gonna have a visitor." Sarai spoke calmly.

The Queen looked up, her eyes wide. "Well, here I am."
"What do you want?" Sarai asked, curious.

"The Kingdom loves you, the people love you, they're starting to hate Penny." The Queen sounded desperate.

"And so?" Sarai was hoping she wouldn't say-

"You need to play the role. You are the downfall to our reputation. They figured out we locked you up. You need to do something so people will hate you." -that. The Queen smirked. Did she really?

"So you've always hated me?" It was Sarai's turn to smirk. The Queen frowned. "Just like when you pretended to care for me as a child, but that didn't work out since your trick didn't go as planned when you tried to make everyone hate Jake with the act to make Penny Queen."

Princess SaraiWhere stories live. Discover now