17 Years Old

12 1 0

What do you want from me?" Sarai questioned him, struggling against the chains on her wrists.

"You magic. It's...different from others that I've seen." Serif said curiously.

"Magic? Pfft, I don't have any." Sarai laughed, she'd have to deal with Serif for a year now. It was just a matter of endurance.

"Of course you do. You wouldn't think I would do my research before I caught you?" Serif loved winning arguments.

"At least you haven't gotten your hands on one person I know." Sarai smiled grimly.

"Oh, you must mean your little Jakey then?" Serif turned on a light, showing Jake also chained to the wall by his wrists.

"How dare you." Sarai shouted, "How dare you take the one thing I loved!"

Sarai looked at Serif with the most hatred some one could handle. Disintegrate. Sarai concentrated hard.

"It won't work." Serif said after a while. Sarai looked up, still concentrating.

"What." Sarai started to struggle, her magic power going away.

"It won't work on me." Serif's smile widened.

"I. Won't. Give. Up!" Sarai cried out as she kept on going. Disappear. She thought the second word.

Serif's hand started to disintegrate and disappear into the air.

"What. But those chains are magic proof. I made them myself!" Serif started muttering his own magic words, but his hand would start to disintegrate again, "I am the strongest dark wizard there is!" Serif cried out. Sarai gritted her teeth, her magic power almost running out. She thought the last word. Death. And she blacked out.

Princess SaraiWhere stories live. Discover now