16 Years Old

12 1 0

"Where's Sarai?!" The Queen exclaimed, bags under her eyes from searching endlessly for Sarai.

"Ma'am, were searching everywhere. Even outside of the kingdom." Knight Henry told the Queen.

"If we don't find her, Jake will surely come back and kill me." The Queen muttered to herself, pulling at her hair.

"Looking for Sarai?" A new voice greeted the room. The Queen looked up, shaking from true fear.

"Who are you!" The Queen demanded, trying to put on a brave face. The person laughed, he looked evil.

"Me? I'm Serif. But you needn't know that. I'm just here to give you news." His face mostly covered with shadows, you could barely tell he was there,

"What news?" The Queen asked.

"Sarai is mine." He smirked, and vanished within seconds. The Queen fell unconscious.

Princess SaraiWhere stories live. Discover now