13 Years Old

12 1 0

"Yes, manners, blah blah, math, blah blah." Sarai said to her instructor, waving her off. Her instructor left the room. Sarai stood up, but did not move.

"Penelope." Sarai said grimly as she turned to see her slightly frightened sister. Penelope was holding well seeing Sarai unlike her other sisters.

"Sarai." Penelope returned the greeting.

"Why are you here?" Sarai said, already knowing the answer.

"To kill you." Penny smirked.

"To be the next Queen, is it?" Sarai said bored, "isn't that a bit selfish?" Penelope tried to stab Sarai, but Sarai just stepped out of the way to let Penelope fall.

"Why don't you check how good you are at fighting before you fight me, Penelope." Sarai looked down at Penelope, "You guys were only five years old back then. Because you're jealousy overpowered your love. Use your brain for once, but you'll never be able to kill me." Sarai told Penelope and walked out the door, snapping her fingers, making the doors close behind her.

Penelope laid frightened on the floor. Moments later, Amber came skipping into the room.

"Penny! Let's practice putting make up on each other, so we can look pretty!" Amber exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." Penny replied, standing up and straightening herself.

"Yay!" Amber skipped out of the room.

"I'll be waiting." A voice said behind Penny. She turned around to see who it was, but all she saw was wind flowing into the room from the open balcony door.

Princess SaraiWhere stories live. Discover now