2 Years Old

18 1 0

"One, two, ten!" Sarai exclaimed, running throughout the castle, looking for her hidden siblings.

"Shh, she'll find us, Penny!" Sarai heard her sisters whisper a bit too loudly.

"Found you!" Sarai scared them, pointing at them. They hung their head in defeat. It was probably a bad idea for all of her sisters to hide in one place together.

Jake was chuckling, looking at his sisters through the huge window that covered his wall. But he was looking mostly at Sarai. There was a scar running down the right side of her forehead, around her right eye, down to her jawline. Everyday, he wondered why she hadn't told anyone that he had accidentally hurt her. That day could've been the end of his life. After that day, Jake didn't leave his room. Ever. He didn't want to risk hurting Sarai. Once he stayed cooped up in his room, life seemed happier for everyone else in the castle. Even his father was happy. His father had stopped abusing way before Jake's acting did.

"I'm gonna go to my room." Sarai struggled to say. For a two year old, she had a lot of freedom in their home, but she was not spoiled. She didn't accept what she didn't need. What Sarai had was the life of an average while her sisters had the life of luxury.

"Okay, be careful." Penny, the eldest sister, told Sarai.

"When was I not careful?" Even only two, Sarai could have sass. Sarai slowly walked up the stairs humming to herself while her sisters went into the kitchen to fetch something to eat.

Sarai looked back once and ran up the rest of the stairs, acting like a commoner. She landed in front of Jake's room. Jake didn't notice her since he had gone over to his balcony. Sarai opened the door very slowly, and tip toed inside, making sure to close the door behind her.

"Why..." Jake muttered to himself, shaking his head in frustration.

"Jakey!" Sarai exclaimed, jumping up and down behind her brother. Jake instantly turned around and backed away.

"No, you don't belong here, go to your sisters, Sa-Sarai..." His voice was shaking. Jake was afraid of Sarai. He hated being called Jakey, but his attention was elsewhere at the moment.

"But, Jakey, come and play with me, please." Sarai gave him sad puppy dog eyes, but he was too worried about something else.

"Penny, and them are all so girly..." Sarai explained. She was quite smart for a two year old.

"I, um..."Jake trailed off, taking a gulp.

"WHAT IS SARAI DOING IN HERE!" The Queen's voice didn't scare Sarai, surprisingly, and she started panicking. An idea suddenly popped into her head, and she smirked. Sarai started to cry. But they weren't real tears.

"Oh no, what have I done..." The Queen said, worried about Sarai. Jake was standing frozen, too shocked to even move.

The Queen picked up Sarai, and once Sarai calmed down, the Queen started to carry her out. Sarai looked back at Jake, smiled and winked. Jake stood speechless when she left.

"That little sneaky..."Jake started muttering, running his hands room through his hair, "smart kid that saved my life once again." Jake sighed, plopping down on his bed. All night, the only thing that was on Jake's mind was, How does she do it?

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