23 Years Old

10 1 0

"Sarai..." The Queen poked her head in Sarai's room, "I have news."

"Let me guess," Sarai responded, turning around, "my Jakey is dead?" Sarai answered,

"Yes..." The Queen confirmed and left without another word. Sarai turned back around at her desk, continuing to look at Jake's picture.

"Of course he dies on his birthday." Sarai muttered, tears falling down her face.

"I love you, Jakey." Sarai out his framed picture back onto her desk. She only had one year left before she became the Queen.

Sarai picked up a dress found in her closet. Her favorite dress. Not anymore.

"Disintegrate." Sarai muttered. The dress disintegrated into the air like dust.

Princess SaraiWhere stories live. Discover now