1 Years Old

21 1 0

"Gabalagoshlop." Sarai sputtered out.

"She's learning to speak!" The Queen exclaimed, clapping her hands. All of the Royal family crowded around to see Sarai except for Jake. All he did was take one glance at her, and walk up to his room. He knows what he would have to do once he gets near her, and he cherished life more than that.

"Browthwer." Sarai pointed to Jake who was walking up the stairs. He froze, and so did the Royal family.

"Browthwer!" Sarai exclaimed again, running over to Jake. Panic seeped into his eyes, and he started sprinting up stairs.

"No, no, no, no, and no." Jake said running into his room, slamming the door shut. He slide down against the door, breathing heavily.

"Browthwer!" Sarai hugged Jake, as she barged into his room.

"Stop it!" Jake screamed as he pushed her off. She tumbled head first into the wall.

"Oh no..." Jake whispered as he crawled over to Sarai's body laying limp on the floor. He cradled her in his arms as he sat against the door he closed so that no one would see him. "You're so fragile, I'm so sorry." Jake realized what he had just said. His face fell. He had gone soft for Sarai.

"No, no, no ,no ,no." Jake said standing up, he threw open the door, and ran down the stairs, making sure Sarai didn't get hurt. He practically threw her in their mother's arms.

"Tell her not to get near me. Ever again." Jake sharply said to his mother, and left before she could answer back.

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