Kaname's POV

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     After finishing Zero's homework for him, I decided that it would be best to let him be for a while. Maybe he'd be able to calm down after a while. I hope so.

     With that thought in mind, I exit my dorm room and head to my study. I don't bother turning on the lights, because there isn't a need to.

     My feet bring me over to one of the book shelves and I scan over the books. I push a couple farther back into the shelf and I pull some out of order. Finally, I push the smallest book down from the top and hear a click. The shelf opens inward and reveals a staircase. A light musty smell reaches my nose and I enter the staircase.

     The bookshelf closes behind me and I make my way down. The only light given off is from candles that line the wall, still burning bright. Some spiderwebs were here and there and needed to be taken care of.

     I reached another door at the bottom and pushed it open, finding myself in the largest library within a thousand miles. More candles lined the walls and some sat at tables. Many more spiderwebs lined the bookshelves and some spiders were scurrying along the ground when the unfamiliar noise of the door opening reached them.

     I walked through the isles of bookshelves for a long while, scanning over books one by one in search of something, anything, that can give me insight to information. The dust on the spines of the books had to be removed to read the titles clearly, but I soon found the book I was looking for.

     Pulling it off the shelf, I wiped the dust off and brought it over to a mostly dust free table. I sat down, looking at the book.

Book of the Chosen
By: Unknown

     Normally, I wouldn't consult such a book with an unknown author, but it's the only source of information I could find. I opened the book, flipping through pages and getting a feel for it. After reading a few stories about things that have, indeed, happened, I felt a little more confident in the abilities this book will provide for me.

     So flipped from chapter to chapter, hoping with all hope to find exactly what it was I was looking for. Then, I found it.

     The Chosen Cursed One

     Before, I had only heard of the Chosen Cursed One in the stories Juri and Haruka had told me, but reading this will give me a better idea of it. With my hopes brought out on high, I began to read.

     Everything has a beginning, with which a theory has started. With evidence and provided data, hypothesis become theories, expanded upon over time. Many come anew, but most don't succeed in the trial of being proven.

     Most become proven because of human nature, finding it's ways through the laws of physics and chemistry. Then there are others, which only happen naturally and are considered an anomaly and thus printed as just hypothesis. But with further investigation and evidence provided by us vampires, theories become more than that, they become a part of our daily lives.

     This story originated over a hundred thousand years in the past, when man was just beginning to find its way on the earth and became a new source of food for vampires. With which only purebloods had existed. It all happened by accident, mostly because it was the very first of our kind to cause such a thing to happen.

     A human was bitten, nearly drained of his life source by the grand leader of Pureblood vampires. He was left for the dead, believed to have already been killed off. But, the grand leader was proven wrong for the first time in his very long life. The boy survived, roaming the world with a beast living inside of him. The Pureblood was intrigued and this man became of utmost importance.

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