The life of SkyDoesMinecraft

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The story starts when Sky and his friends are in elementary school. I wanted to point that out since it isn't clear in the story.

Carry on.


Shoot, I'm gonna be late! I thought as I ran through the village to get to school. Suprisingly, I made it to my seat on time. My teacher, Ms. Lanner, turned around. "Well. You're on time today, Sky. Unfortunately, you were running in school." she said, smirking. I groaned. It's like she hates me! At least my seat is in between Ty and Jason. She doesn't bother giving me a note for my parents to sign.

My parents are dead.

I'm not sure how it happened, but now I'm living with Ty and Jason. No parents. No rules. It's kinda cool, until you realize... no food.

Ms. Lanner drones on with the lesson, and I yawn. She snappes her head toward me. "Did you just yawn?! Is my lesson boring you?!" she asked angrily. "B-but I'm j-just t-tired!" I responded. She sighs and continues. The boy behind me, Kevin, slaps the side of my head. "Ow!" I yell, rubbing my head. "That's it! You're being disruptive in class! Sky, come up to my desk for your punishment!" my teacher yelled. I hung my head low and walked up. "That's not fair!" Ty argued. "Yeah! Kevin hit him!" Jason agreed. Everyone was talking, even that one quiet boy in the back. "Alright! All of you! BE QUIET!!!" Ms. Lanner screamed.

I stood next to her desk. I knew what was coming. She reached under her desk and pulled out her pet squid, then threw it at me. I don't know why, but she was obsessed with squids. The squid bit my arm and I cried out in pain.

The worst part is, I can understand squids.

'Ugh. This kid again.' it groaned. 'I can't wait 'till the squid king takes over this kingdom.' it said. My eyes widened. I have to tell someone!

Ms. Lanner pulls her squid off me and I sit in my desk. I'm shaking in fear of the thought of a kingdom ruled by squids.

As soon as the bell rings, I grab Ty and Jason and tell them what happened. They already know I can understand squids. "What are we going to do! No one will believe us!" Jason said. I shrug in response.

We walk back to our small shack-of-a-house. Kevin and his gang follow us. "Hey Sky." he says, then punches me in the back of the head. I fall on the floor and Ty stands in front of me while Jason helps me back up. Kevin's friends punch Ty in the gut and kick Jason down. "Leave them alone!" I scream, getting up. "What are you going to do, Skylar." Kevin taunted. I hate it when he calls me that! It's not even my full name! I push him down and kick him repeatedly with newfound strenght.

His friends stare for a while, then run away. I stop. He doesn't look hurt too badly. I help him up. He stares at me in shock, then runs away with his friends.

"Why did you help him?!" Ty asked. "It was the right thing to do." I simply responed. Jason stares at me. "Wow dude. I would've beat him up.". I laughed and we walked home.


King Eric sat on his throne, watching children play on the streets outside. A knight came in. "Your highness, you've never married nor had a child. The time has come to choose your successor." he said, bowing. Eric nodded. "May I suggest one of the rich children? They already live the life a prince would live!" the knight said, smiling. "No. I don't want a spoiled child to sit on my throne. I've been watching this one boy. His name is Sky." Eric said, turning to the knight. "He's a good boy. I think he would make an excellent king!" he finished.

"But... sire! Sky is a peasent!" The knight argued. "And is there a law that prevents a peasent from becoming king?" Eric asked calmly. "No, but-" "Good. Then Sky will be the next king. Pick him up tomorrow and bring him to my castle." he said. The knight nodded and walked away.


{A/N} I'm so happy! A long chapter! :'D

I wont be updating as much anymore. I'm getting busy.

I'd love a new edition to the Rainbow Army! (lol, that's what Sky used to say at the end of his videos!)


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