Contest info!

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Yay! I'm having a contest!

This was suggested by OliviaLovesSnow (hope I didn't mess that up...)

Anyway! In the next few chapters, members of Team Crafted will be introduced! Your job is to guess who will be next (not including Dawn... I just don't want to get into that) and you might get a part in the stary!


I think the next character will be (blank)

My character's name: (blank) (doesn't have to be your real name. You can make it up, or it could be like your username.)

Character's relationship to Team Crafted: (blank)

Appearence (optional): (blank)

What am I?: (blank) (you can be an Endergirl or something. Maybe a bacca!)

And any info you want to add!

May the best Wattpadder win! START GUESSING!!!

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