Chapter....6? Mitch!

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I put Mitch up there because he is today's new character! Don't be sad, the contest will continue until all Team Crafted members are introduced!

Winner(s): blackrockgirl123 and Butterydiamond!


Ty, Jason, and I were training for the first time with actual swords. I need to be prepared if I ever see a squid again... I shuddered at the thought.

I had a butter sword, Ty had an iron sword and Jason had a diamond sword. They both had swords that matched their shirts while I didn't. I didn't mind. Not like there was a black/grey sword anyway (that would be cool... though I still prefer butter).

The blades are dull so we wouldn't get hurt. I disarmed Ty and poked him in the gut. "Aww!" he whined, picking up his sword from the floor. "You can't beat the butter!" I yelled, throwing my hands up in victory. Jason poked me in the back while I was distracted. "And I'm the winner! In your face!" he gloated. I rolled my eyes.

By now, everyone is used to me saying 'butter'. I don't know what they said before, but I'm pretty sure it started with a 'G'.

We put our swords away and strolled through the village. A boy in a black-and-red checkered jacket and a white shirt underneath walked up to us. "Hey Sky! I don't know if you remember me, but we used to go to school together! My name is Mitch, by the way." he said. I suddenly remembered him.

"Oh yeah! You were that queit kid in the back of class!" I said, remembering that day in school {I'm refering to the first chapter, by the way.}. "Wanna hang out at our castle?" I asked. He stared in shock. "M'me? Are you sure?!" he asked. I nodded. "Can I bring my girlfriend?" he asked. "I don't see why not... OH GOD!!!".

A girl was walking up to us. But not just any girl. This girl was literaly made of lava. Though she looked kinda normal. It was just her skin that was lava. She had blue eyes, long black hair, wore a casual looking shirt and shorts, and white sneakers.

She walked next to Mitch and I stared at her. "Uhh... why are you... you know... on fire?" I asked. "Oh, that." she said, looking down. Suddenly her skin became... well... skin. She looked completely normal now. She caught us staring. "What? Oh, yeah. I'm a sorceress. And a lava mob." she said.

"This is my girlfriend, Audrey{AKA Butterydiamond}!" Mitch said happily. I nodded in response and we walked back to the caslte.

We sat in my room, talking. "Is it true you were almost eaten by a squid?!" Mitch asked. "Well, a derpy squid. And it wasn't eating me, it was taking my energy. I think that's worse." I corrected. "And is it true that you understand squids?" he asked. "Where did you hear that?!" I asked. He shrugged and I responded, "Yes. It's true.".

Ty sat in front of Audrey, asking stupid questions. "Are you gonna burn down the room if you stay here too long?" he asked. "What?! No!" she said. "Is your head gonna catch on fire if you get angry?" he asked, his eyes widening. "No! I can control my powers more than you think!" she said angrily. Ty scooted back and looked down. "Sorry." he said. Audrey calmed down and patted his head.

"Hey. Do you guys want to become generals of the Sky Army with Ty and Jason?" I asked. Jason nodded hopefully. "Yeah!" he said. "Uh, I think I'll pass. I'll still hang out with you, though!" was Audrey's response. Ty seemed alittle upset, since he seemed to be fascinated with her powers.

Later, Mitch and Audrey had to go home and we went to sleep.


{A/N} Yay! I like contests! They make my chapters longer!

And blackrockgirl123 will be in my story as soon as Jerome shows up (since she's his cousin in the story).

The contest is still on! Keep guessing!


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