Chapter 18

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I honestly love this chapter :D

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


We decided to do another Cops and Robbers. I invited Ty, Ian, Astrid, and Mitch. "Hey guys! We should start recording and- IAN YOUR FACE!!!" I screamed, horrified. He had big, derpy eyes. "I wanted to do this. As a joke. And stuff." he said. Something about his voice was... different...

We started the recording. "Hey guys! Sky here, and I'm with Mitch, Astrid, Ty, and... Ian? Ian are you okay..." I asked, pretending I didn't already know. He was hiding in a corner, not showing his (derpy) face. Ty walked up to him slowly. "Oh! Your face!" Ty yelled. We began to laugh.

Mitch was the warden. "Okay, so we're gonna play some Red light Green light" {IT'S A GAME INSIDE A GAME! GAMECEPTION!} he said, letting us all out. We ran to the back wall. "Red light!" Mitch said. I ran to him. "Oh no! Nevermind!" I shouted. It was too late. He killed me and I respawned in the 'dead cell'. "Ian, go get Sky." I heard Mitch say.

Ian came up to me and held out a cake. "Do you know what I had to do to make this cake?! Do you?!" he asked. "Ian! Let me out!" I said. "Do you know what I had to do?!" he repeated.

Ian finally let me out. "Freedom! Freedom!" I screamed, running away. "No!" Mitch yelled. There were footsteps behind me. I got out of the prison. "I'm free!" I screamed.

"Anyway, guys, that was Cops and Robbers. Check out everybody's channels in the description below. I'm Sky, and I'll see you later recruits! Byyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeee!" I said, ending the recording.

We did the same thing the next day. Ian looked normal today. "Ian! Why'd you give up the derpy look?" I asked. "What do you mean?" he asked, confused. I raised an eyebrow, then decided to ignore it.

Ty had a derpy face today. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!" he said, poking me. "Nice derp face." I commented.

We played a round, then ended the recording.

For the next few days, Ty kept his derp face. No matter what he played, he would keep it. It's starting to get annoying. And he acts differently. I think something's wrong. I decided to follow him when he said that he wouldn't be going home to the castle.

He led me into a cave system. Then, there was a door and we walked through. We walked into a room, full of mirrors. One of them was broken, with a distorted, derpy version of Ian inside. It stared at me as I walked past.

Ty went around a corner. I would've followed, if it were'nt for something I saw. {AHH! RANDOM RINGING IN MY EARS! Okay, I'm good ^-^} It was Ty in a mirror! "Ty?! How'd you get in the mirrow?!" I asked. "That thing trapped me here{Cuz I'm stuck in a mirror!}! You have to help me! They have a derpy version of all of us!" Ty said.

"Is that why Ian was derpy that day?" I asked. "Yeah! I think he found a way to switch places with Ssunderp, then broke the mirror so he wouldn't escape!" Ty said. I laughed. "Ha! Ssunderp?!" I said, smiling. "You have to get Derplox!" Ty said. "Ssunderp... now Derplox?! I see what you did there!" I said, laughing even harder.

Suddenly, I was grabbed from behind. It's Derplox(still laughing)! He pushed me towards a mirror, where a derpy version of me was waiting. I spun around quickly and shoved Derplox into Ty's mirror. Then I pulled Ty out and broke the mirror, trapping Derplox forever. We broke the rest of the mirrors so it would never happen again. Before we left, I saw something move in the corner of my eye...

"Where were you guys?!" Jason asked when we got home. We explained the whole story to him. "I think it has to do with the squids." I said, venom in my voice. Jason nodded in agreement.


{A/N} Yay! That was fun to write!



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