Chapter 16

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Yay! YouTube time!


"You know, yesterday was pretty hilarious." I said to Ty. "So?" he asked, knowing I wasn't finished. "We should play again, record it, and upload it on YouTube!" I said. He stood up. "That's a great idea!" he said.

We told our friends and spent the whole day getting equipment. We got little speakers that we attach to our ears so we can talk to each other from far away. They also had cameras, so we wouldn't have to hold anything as we played.

Next step: YouTube. We had to come up with usernames. It wasn't actually that hard.









{I wont add contest winners. Your YouTube will just be your Wattpad usernames. Plz understand}

We were all set. I went back to the prison with Ty, Jerome, Mitch, and Vivvi. The rest split up and did something else. We hit the record button on our speakers.

"Hey guys! Sky here, and I'm with Deadlox, ASFJerome, Mitch, and Vivvi." I said. They ran around the starting area. "And today we are playing... what are we playing, fluffy?" I asked, wanting him to say it. "We're playing Cops n Robbers!" he said happily.

"Who's warden?" Ty asked. "Mitch! Mitch, be da warden!" I yelled. We got into our cells. I got the fluffy. "Wanna see a majic trick?!" he asked, smiling. I groaned. Not this again.

The game ended when we all escaped. Jerome went out first, me following close behind. "Anyway guys, that was ''Cops n Robbers. Check out everyone's channels in the description below. Thanks for watching! I'm Sky, and I'll see you later recruits!" I said, turning the speakers off and ending the recording.

"That was fun!" Ty said. I nodded. We went home and uploaded the video. I can't wait to see how many veiws it gets by tomorrow!


{A/N} That was fun! :P

I feel like that was short.

Thanks for reading everyone!


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