Chapter 14

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Grr. You people need to vote if you want the new story!

Also, sorry about not updating in a while, I've been busy.


We all ran to my room, frightend. I locked the door and sat on my bed. "What are we going to do?" Ty asked.

That made me think. What are we going to do? Surely we wont sit here and watch the kingdom fall around us! We need to fight back! "We're going to fight!" I announced, raising my fist in the air. I ran to a chest in my room and threw my butter sword, armour, and axe on the floor.

I turned to Audrey and Seto. "Can you make copies of this sword and the armour?" I asked. They nodded. I gave the axe to Jerome, and gave the copied swords and armour to everyone else.

"We need to sneak out. Eric would never let us go." I said. Roxie and Summer stepped up. "We can teleport, but not very far. I'm sure we could get out of the castle, though." Summer said. Roxie held my hand and Ty's hand. She teleported outside, then went back for everyone else. Summer came with Jerome and Vivvi. This continued until everyone was outside.

It was already a mess. Knights were fighting squids, and losing. Badly. I saw a squid run toward us. It jumped on Ty, and managed to get his head in it's mouth. It's a derpy squid! I got angry, and my veins glowed a buttery color. I swung my sword, and sliced the squid in half before Ty even felt anything. I stared at my arms in shock.

Another squid ran toward us. Now with more confidence, I stabbed it. Killing squids is fun! My friends got the hang of it, and were soon killing squids left and right. The knights stared at us, suprised and offended that we could kill squids better than they could.

The squids began to realize that we were too strong for us, and retreated. That didn't stop me. I killed off the ones that were too slow. "Take that as a lesson! Leave the butter kingdom alone!" I yelled after the few survivors.

We walked back to the castle. I stopped when I saw Eric. But instead of being angry, he smiled. "Good job, all of you. Sky, this proves that I made the right choice. You'll be a great king." he said. I smiled back and hugged him.


{A/N} Yay! :D That was nice.

If this chapter gets at least 10 votes, I'll release my new story. You'd better vote this time!!!

Again, sorry about not updating. :3


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