Chapter 8 HuskyMudKipz

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The answer was HuskyMudKipz!!!

Winner(s): OliviaLovesSnow and EnderFang!


While in the swamp the next day with Mitch, Audrey, Ty, and Jason, I noticed a girl. "Who's that?" I asked, pointing in her direction. Mtich gasped and walked up to her. "Rose{AKA EnderFang}! What are you doing here?!" he asked. She turned. She had elbow-lenght brown hair and blue eyes. She wore a black-and-blue striped jacket and leggings.

"Oh, hey Mitch!" she said. "I was just hanging out here. I like to be around water and stuff. Who are these guys?" she asked. "These are my friends, Ty, Sky, and Jason." Mitch said. I waved. "This is my sister." Mitch said, nodding to Rose. "You can call me Star. I like it better." she said.

"Uhh... hey Star. I'm Jason." Jason said. She giggled. "I know! Mitch just said that!". Jason blushed.

I saw a weirdly shaped tree in the distance. "Race you to that tree!" I called, already starting. They all ran to catch up with me. Audrey was in the lead, and I was about to catch up to her when I tripped over something and landed face-first in the mud.

I groaned and looked up to see what I tripped over. It was huge and blue, with bright orange cheeks and human clothes. "Can you talk?" I asked. Since a frog-human could talk, why couldn't this.... thing? "Yup. My name is HuskyMudKipper. You can call me Husky or Quinton." he said. "My name is Sky, prince of the Butter Kingdom!" I said proudly. "Don't you mean, the Golden Kingdom?" he asked. "What does 'golden' mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes!" I heard from not too far away. "I beat all of you! I-wait, where's Sky?" Audrey asked. I waved my arm. "Over here! I found a... thing!" I called.

Ty ran up to me. "A thing?" he asked. Then he saw Quinton. "Woah! Is that a fish?" he asked. Everyone came up to us. "I'm not a fish!" Quinton yelled, crossing his arms and pouting. Mitch's jaw dropped. "Is that... a mudkip?!" he asked. Quinton nodded, unsure of what was happening. Honestly, neither did I.

"No way! I thought they were extinct!" he said excidedly. Quinton shook his head. "Anyway, you can call me Husky or Quinton." he said.

Mitch looked over to me. "How'd you find him?" he asked. "I tripped over him." I said. Quinton winced and said, "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I just saw a squid and-" "A SQUID?!" I yelled, interrupting him and looking around.

"Don't worry! It's probably gone. Anyway, I saw a squid and was about to kill it when you tripped over my head." Quinton finished. "You hate squids too?!" I asked, smiling. "Yeah! They're really annoying! I like to kill them with TNT!" he said happily. "Wait, you use TNT?" I asked. "Yup. I was playing with gunpowder one day and accidently discovered TNT." he said.

I put my arm around the young mudkip. "Anyone who hates squids and uses explosives is a friend of mine!" I said. "Wanna hang out in the Mudkip Den?" Quinton asked. "Sure. Where is it?" Star asked. Quinton pointed to a small dirt tower.

"Isn't this alittle small?" Audrey asked. Quinton ignored her and dug some dirt off the top until there was a hole big enough to climb through. Down the entrance, there was a large dirt house with a TNT block in one corner, a stack of food in another, a bed, and a small waterway as an exit.

We talked about killing squids, fishing, TNT, and a few mudkip facts. I decided I like Quinton and asked him to be my general, to which he accepted.

"We should go. See you tomorrow Mudflapper!" Ty said, waving. "Mudkipper." he corrected. Mitch, Audrey, and Star walked home while we walked to the castle.

I jumped into bed and pulled up the covers. Before I fell asleep, I wondered who I would meet tomorrow.


{A/N} And I bet you're wondering the same thing! Leave your guess and your character in the comments below for a chance to win!

Also, BACK OFF MITCH!!! Seriously guys, everyone is asking to be Mitch's girlfriend/sister/cousin. Please, this was confusing enough since it's weird he wouldn't mention having a sister. Choose someone else! Please!


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