1. A Close Call

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*beep beep beep beep*

The sound of the ear piercing alarm filled the previously dead room, the sun also seeped in from behind the thick olive green curtains. Vanessa blindly stretched out her hand to hit the snooze button and missed, causing the sleep depriver to crash loudly on the wooden floor if she wasn't awake before she surely was now. Seeing the cord was draped over the side table she just unplugged and reclined in the bed, grabbing her phone from under her pillow. "It's Saturday? And I'm up at 6 a.m.?" she questioned herself in disbelief, she forgot once again to turn off the alarm on weekends this was about the hundredth time she had done it. She was a nurse at a doctor's office on the outskirts of town about a 30 min drive from her stylish apartment, she had been back home for 3 months from studying for 5 years at The University of Skeete Vale one of the leading medical institutions in Skeetes Valley. She had been doing well for herself, holding down a steady job, great apartment and car, one thing she lacked, a relationship. Not just any relationship but one where she felt complete.

Being one of the top students in her class she had very little time to socialize not that they weren't potential partners or previous partners just goals came first to her, no time to spend going to college parties, in fact, she didn't go anywhere just class and the library. Vanessa read the 2 messages on her phone,

Mum: Don't forget to stop by Aunt Rita for the flowers, Love Ya.

Danesha: Are we still going to the movies later?

"Wow" her life had become quite boring, no relationship, no Saturday night date, just a boring day of running errands and the movies with her best friend. Not that she didn't love her mother or her best friend just she has been focused on school, work and that one life-changing relationship. Was a life of education and goals the right idea? She jumps out of and bed strolled over to her curtains and tossed them back very dramatically "Ha!" She exclaimed "of course it was" her apartment was illuminated by the rising sun, she closed her eyes and felt the early morning rays on her face, her problems felt they were lifted away.

Vanessa admired herself in the full-length mirror her long slender toned legs looked particularly elegant gleaming in the sun, she was a beautiful woman, 5'7 with black curly shoulder length hair, with a nice figure, round perky breasts, a thin waist with toned abs and a high firm booty, she paid close attention to her body with weekly visits to the gym which she fit into her very busy schedule. She wore short pink silk sleep pants with the words "eat my cupcake" on the back and a matching vest a gift from Danesha years ago for her 21st birthday, after 4 years it still fit perfectly. She left the bedroom, showered, made breakfast and replied to her mother and Danesha. By this time it was 7:30 her mother told her that Aunt Rita wouldn't be home until 10, she still had some time to kill so she decided to get in a workout before her day got going. She put on her gym clothes black and red tights, a black tank top, a red sports bra underneath and her dark blue running shoes. As she left her apartment building she ran into her neighbor Ben a nice middle-aged man who lived 2 doors down. She took care of his 2 cats Furball and Snowy when he went on vacation last month. A friend of the family he knew her father from school and was one of the main reasons she got in that apartment building. Her parents begged her to stay with them but she insisted she went out on her own, her parents had put her through university and she thought she should get out of their hair for a while. The neighborhood was known for some gang violence but that was years ago the police had it under control, but her mother still worried. 

"Off to the gym I see, go work on those arms looking a bit flabby" he said in an unreadable tone but when she looked at him she saw him fighting back the laugh, his words weren't meant to hurt her in any way so her response was 

" Go work on that beer belly" with a grin, 

"Nice one"

"I know" She laughed at him and descended the stairs and into the apartment lobby.

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