23. I've Lost Him

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Danesha finally got home, feet and heart aching, this night didn't go as planned, she was going to tell Nessa what happened but before she could the night exploded before her eyes. Stephan's face when he realised everything was true, she fiddled with her keys in the dark, she entered the house, her phone vibrating nonstop.
Many messages from Stephan, she couldn't open them, she just couldn't, she loved him and he probably loved her and it's all gone. She entered the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror, mascara stains, smugged lipstick, eyes filled with pain. She was an image of a broken heart, her phone vibrated again, it was him,
Stephan: This was one fucked up night, what the fuck was that you couldn't tell me about this? I looked like a complete asshole
Where are you? Are you safe?
Answer me
Sigh Danesha I never lied to you I loved you you were my world how could you do this not only to me but to Vanessa did you even think of what would happen after?
How long were you sleeping with him? I mean I'm a forgiving person all you had to do was tell me.
Fucking answer me Danesha
Fine don't answer I'm done with you,

And in that moment as her eyes glazed over the messages that were on the screen, she lost all feeling she became numb to her surroundings as she sat on the floor crying, she didn't know how to answer, everything she feared was unfolding bit by bit, Stephan was the only person she ever cared about and he was now gone. 


The two couples took a quiet drive to the beach house, after stopping by Vanessa's place to get their things, Derek drove with Vanessa in the passengers seat, and Catherine and Hannah in the back.
Vanessa leaned her head against the glass as she opened Danesha's chat, she didnt know what to say,
Vanessa: I hope you're safe .

Was all she thought was suitable, she looked over to see Derek looking at her phone and the anger in his eyes returned, the GPS sounded telling him make the next left, as they pulled up to the quaint beach home surrounded by trees, it was almost 1 am, so Vanessa couldn't see much of the place in the dark,
They grabbed their bags and Catherine showed them to the other master bedroom, Vanessa dropped her bags at the door, and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Derek walked in the bathroom leaning on the door frame, arms folded across his chest,
"What the fuck was that?" he asked
"Excuse me? What was what?" she said wiping the makeup off of her face with a wipe,
"That message you sent that bitch"
"Derek, she's still my friend"
"How do you still want to be friends with her, after what she did are you fucking crazy?"
Vanessa could see the vengeance in his eyes, as she walked past him, changed into a shorts and a tank and was headed towards the door,
"Nessa where are you going?"
Vanessa left their bedroom and went to the pool, she needed a minute, he was only thinking about himself, Danesha was her best friend, she was there through thick and thin and even if what she did was so low and nasty, she couldn't abandon her. Vanessa sat on the edge of the pool, feet dangling into the frigid water, it gave her a chill up her entire body as she sat thinking, Mrs.Warren was right Danesha wasn't the married one. She sighed audiably,
"Hey" a soft voice called behind her, she turned to see a shy Hannah "Can I sit?" Vanessa nodded turning her attention back to the water, they sat silently causing ripples in the water with their feet.
"I heard that" Hannah finally said after 10 minutes, Vanessa brought her attention to the other girl's face, she knew she was talking about earlier , " I understand your predicament and I want you to know if you want to talk I'm always here" she cupped Vanessa's shoulders pulling her closer, Vanessa hugged her with her head buried in Hannah's bosom.
"Ahem" a deep voice sounded behind them, they pulled away from the embrace, Derek stood there bareback and in a shorts, the night wasn't very cold but still a bit nippy, Hannah left them, Derek sat next to her,
"Babe I'm sorry" he said with a sigh, "I was too busy thinking about myself and I'm really sorry" she said nothing, "Nessa please talk to me" he looked at her face, it was still blank "at least come inside"
"I'm fine, go inside and leave me alone" Vanessa spat out at him, Derek knew she was angry with him but he couldn't leave her outside, he left her and sat by the sliding door between the living area and the deck, watching her. 


Vanessa felt a warmth on her cheek as she slept, she rolled over to reposition herself, to realise she wasn't on the cold tiles she went to sleep on, she opened her eyes slowly to see the roof of her and Derek's shared room with the smell of coffee tantalizing her. He must have brought me in here when I  fell asleep, Vanessa grabbed her phone looking for a reply from Danesha but there was none. Where is he? she mentally asked his pillow was gone too.
Vanessa left the bedroom and followed the sent of bacon to the kitchen, Derek was asleep on the couch with the missing pillow, his large frame sprawled over the chair, she smiled he sleep out here,
"He stayed up the whole night waiting for you to go to sleep" the red head called to her from the kitchen,
"He's sorry ya know" Hannah chipped in,
Vanessa smiled at them, trying to fix things between her and Derek. She knelt beside the couch and gave him a kiss, Derek blindly pulled her in closure, he didn't have to look, he knew who it was, her soft lips pressed against his, as the worked into a steamy kiss,
"Hi" she uttered
"Hey" Derek said finally looking at her, the sun glowing through her hair, her eyes appearing lighter with the sun reflecting in them, she looked angelic,
"Thanks for staying up" she whispered with a light blush,
He pulled her in and whispered into her ear "That's my job"
A chorus of aww erupted behind them, reminding them they weren't alone, the looked to see Hannah and Cat watching them like love sick teenagers, "Y'all good now?" Catherine asked flipping a pancake a barely catching it in the pan, Vanessa smiled at him, "Yup we good".


After breakfast Derek and Vanessa went back to their room, while Hannah and Catherine went down to the beach, the white walls of the beach house came to life as the sun filled the place, the house was white with light blue trimming, the pool had beige tiles which resembled sand with seashells as decoration. Derek was by the pool waiting for Vanessa, she was changing into her bathing suit when he left the room. Vanessa strutted down the steps and into his view, her brown skin glistened in the sunlight, she wore a pink high waisted bikini, the bikini top tied between her breasts and the bottom accentuated her waist and round bottom, her hair was in a wild afro, she watched Derek ogling her as she approached him as he lay on the lounge chair,
"You like?" she asked watching his gaze and giving him a twirl,
"Yea I do" Vanessa joined him in the chair next to him, Derek peered at her, glossing over her body,
"Where are Cat and Hannah?" she asked but he didn't reply "Derek?"
"Uh yea?" He snapped from his daze
"Didn't you hear what I asked?" she turned to face him,
"By the beach" he quickly replied, Derek got up and grabbed her, she kicked and he tossed her over his shoulder and jumped into the pool with her.
Vanessa's hair covered her eyes when she came up for air, and she heard him chuckle, she pushed her hair out of her face and looked around for him, "I'm going to kill you" she shouted running in the water towards him. They frolicked in the warm water, Derek avoided Vanessa by swimming over to the 9 ft area of the pool, "That's so childish" she said displeased with him knowing she can't swim "Not my fault you can't swim" he retorted, Vanessa headed towards the steps to exit the pool,
"Aww babe come back" he followed her playing right into her trap, when he was close enough she lunged at him tackling him in the water,
"You win, you win" he huffed out spitting water out and coughing a little, they were face to face in the water, his chest against hers, he wrapped an arm around her pulling her closer, his eyes fixed on her lips,
"Ummm hello y'all have a room for this reason" the sarcastic tones of Catherine greeted them, Derek continued until Vanessa and his lips met,
"Ewwww" Catherine mused as Derek flipped her the bird, Hannah and Vanessa exchanged a look "Crazy Warren children" they said together with a quick giggled as each of their mates glared at them.

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