35. I'm Not Like You

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After leaving the airport Vanessa drove home slowly she wanted something to clear her mind but everything she thought about just brought memories back of him, she needed to do something she never did with him, but nothing came to mind. The drive home was uneventful she stopped at the supermarket for some wine and fruits Maybe me and Danesha could have a girl's night, she thought as she packed her cart.

"Vanessa?" a voice called next to her peeling her eyes from the strawberries in her hand, she looked up to meet Carmen's eyes, Vanessa mellow mood was about to get fiery if she said anything to offend her,

"Hello Carmen" Vanessa said trying to fight the acidity in her voice

"How are you? How have you been..." Carmen was taken aback by Vanessa's tone but got to the real reason she approached her, Vanessa could hear the genuine concern in the usually bitchy Carmen,

"I'm fine and it's okay to mention that, I'm over it really hard but I got through"

"That's so good to hear, I'm happy you've come through that I-I" Carmen stumbled on her words and Vanessa put her strawberries in the cart, "I wish I could have recovered so quickly"

"What?" Vanessa was unsure but it sounded like Carmen experienced the same thing,

"Matthew, his um, ya know," Vanessa nodded silently "he was abusive towards me while we were together and I never told anyone I just used to think he loved me so it was okay with it until you came along he found someone else to go after, and it bothered me I don't know why I still wanted him"

Vanessa couldn't believe her ears, Carmen smiled and Vanessa took in her more conservative clothing, "I've been in therapy since he got shut down and I have a restraining order against him too, just wanted to apologize and thank you for giving me the push to go get help" Carmen continued smiling as Vanessa remained confused, "See you around Vanessa" and she turned pushing her cart away,

"Your welcome" Vanessa whispered as she walked away.

Vanessa finally got home finding Danesha, in her new bedroom, laying silently, staring at her ceiling fan, "Hey you, wanna have some us time?" she said sitting on her bed, dangling the bottles of wine in her hands in front of Danesha.

"Why did I have to ruin everything?"

"What do you mean," Vanessa asked pulling Danesha upright

"I ruined everything, me and Stephan, I did that, I destroyed what we had and now he never wants to see me again" Danesha's face grew sorrowful as her thought process drifted back to him, she didn't go to see him after he was discharged, but she wanted to she missed him with every fibre in her being.

"I know you miss him, but you have to give him some time I mean we all know this is fucked up, but he loves you girl" she handed Danesha the wine glasses, and poured,

"How do you know that this is really good by the way," she said after taking a sip "How do you know he loved me?"

"I've seen you two, I see that look with Catherine and Hannah and mum and dad, that boy loves you just give him some time"

"Won't the time make us grow further apart? Make him hate me more?"

"DANESHA! You're here sitting thinking about him what makes you think he isn't doing the same"

"Just what he said at the hospital"

"Girl listen to yourself," Vanessa said leaving the room with Danesha following her, "You know that damn boy loves you and you love him, bet y'all work shit out"

"You think I'm like you and he's like Derek, people like me doing get that 'Happily ever" bullshit"

"Shut up, I bet it works"

"Ah whatever, aren't we supposed to pick interview clothes?"


By 6 pm Vanessa and Danesha were flat-out drunk giggling insistently, when Danesha rolled over on the floor, while Vanessa wore what she was going to wear to the interview,

"I jusssstttt noticeddd somethingggg, that crazy ass doctor just wants your attention" she slurred finishing with a laugh, Vanessa cocked an eyebrow at her,

"Whatttt are you talkkinggg about" Vanessa stumbled to her feet trying to find her bearings

"The crazyyy doc who wanna kill our fine asses, just give him some aaaaaaattention and BAM! he leaves us alome" she laughed once more pleased with her grand idea and not noticing she was making up words .

Vanessa shoved her clothes back into the closet and stumbled to her extremely drunk friend,

"HI FRIEND!" Danesha screamed when she saw Vanessa sit next to her "GIVE THE DOC ATTENTION!"

"Even I know you're too drunk "

"You're so pretty lemme kiss you" Danesha whispered caressing Vanessa's face, "Let's go look for the doctor and make him leave us I'm tired of your house! WEEEEE!" Danesha jumped up and started to run towards the front door, bumping into the couch and the wall, Vanessa too followed her in the same manner. Vanessa grabbed her before she got outside "Time for bed"

"No! ITS TIME FOR PUSSY" she screamed through the house grabbing Vanessa's breasts shocking her completely "You miss ma touch huh"

Danesha pushed Vanessa onto the floor and crawled up her body, kissing her inner thigh Vanessa wanted to fight her but due to her intoxication she couldn't "Look at these cute little panties" she said pointing to Vanessa's floral undies, she was blushing, Omg we aren't gonna do this, Vanessa thought.

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