37. I Hate This

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The days of waiting for Derek to return were becoming longer and longer and lonelier than Vanessa ever expected She went from hearing him 3 times a day to 2 to not at all. It had been 3 days since she heard him and she was preparing for her interview, and she was spazzing out. Danesha wasn't there to help her since she was at work, she felt she needed to pay back Vanessa and she was trying to get out on her own. Police also called her and told her she could move back into her house and she left yesterday and Vanessa helped her clean her house because it was still a mess from the nights before.
Vanessa heaved her sigh as she pulled her black thong up her legs and onto her buttocks as she looked in the mirror. She hated interviews, not the most enjoyable thing she ever did, and there she was alone with no one to talk her through the mental breakdown she was having. Come on girl you got this! She thought giving herself a reassuring look in the mirror. She dragged on her black pants, and redshirt and grabbed her jacket from its hanger and put on her gold tip stilettos. She tossed on a pair of shades and navigated her way down the stairs.
Vanessa left her phone off she didn't need anyone calling to knock her off of her high, she kept looking at herself in the rearview mirror as she practiced her smile, after a few intersections she noticed the black car behind her looked like it was following her.
Nahhhh I'm just over thinking it, she thought shaking the thought from her mind.
She pulled into Berkham Hospital which was a private medical clinic, similar to Matthew's clinic but much bigger. She parked in the almost empty carpark, much earlier than she expected, the interview was at 9:30 AM and she was there at 7:45 AM, she got her things and headed inside just so she didn't get sweaty in the early morning flow of the day. The doors were opened luckily and a refreshing gust of wind blew against her body,
"Hello, there can I help?" A voice called startling her "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to frighten you" Vanessa's head wiped around to find a pretty brunette girl sitting behind her adjacent to the door that's why she didn't see her,
"No it's okay, just didn't expect anyone to be here yet"
"I'm Ashley the receptionist," the girl said extending her hand, she shook it
"You're Vanessa! I'm so glad to meet you" she said with a grin,
"Uh.. how do you know me?" Vanessa questioned retrieving her hand
"Well I don't know you I know your resume" Ashley awkwardly said, "Sorry I get a little excited to meet new workers, I'll tell Dr.James you're here," she said gliding over to her desk as Vanessa took a seat, listening to Ashley's side of the phone call
"Vanessa Nichols is here doctor...Yes, I know very... Oh, I'll send here" as she was about to put down she dragged the phone back to her ear since she heard Dr.James call her "What do I think?....I think she would...Okay bye."
She finally looked up to see Vanessa fiddling with her thumbs,
"She'll see you now, 5th floor the door at the end of the corridor"
Vanessa rose to her feet and thanked her, "GOOD LUCK, even though you don't need it" Ashley beamed at her making Vanessa wonder what she meant as she stepped into the elevator.
Vanessa stood outside of Veronica's door, talking herself up to knock, she knocked lightly on her door,
"Come in!"
She entered a spacious office with 3 bookshelves lining the walls and piles of papers around the room orderly stacked,
"Hello, great to finally meet you," Dr.James said extending her hand across the desk as she stood,
"Good morning, if it's any inconvenience I can wait till later" Vanessa apologized referring to the work she had Infront of her
"Nonsense, I love that you're so eager, it shows passion, please sit," she said and Vanessa sank into the soft leather chair behind her. Dr.James' voice matched her face a mature woman, with a few wisps of grey in-between her auburn hair, her lightly wrinkled face spoke to her age, and her smile was warming.
"Now we here at Berkham Hospital are a loving group we care for each other as much as we care for our patients, from the looks of your resume you are very qualified for the job, just a few questions before we go any further" Vanessa nodded as Veronica spoke, " Why did you choose a career in nursing?" Vanessa paused for a moment gathering her answer in her head,
"When I decided to be a nurse, I knew I wanted to help people and enjoy my passion which is science, nursing allows me to explore both those passions because every day as a nurse is a learning experience," she said smiling believing and feeling every word she said. This is going great!
After a few back and forth of questions and answers which Vanessa flawlessly answered Veronica asked her a question which hit a nerve,
"Why did you leave Rodriguez's practice?" Dr.James' asked a puzzled look on her face as she intertwined her fingers together, propping on her elbows, she noticed she caught her off guard.

Vanessa's eyes fluttered at the question, but she wasn't going to let Matthew ruin one more thing for her, "I left because I did something unprofessional and out of character, I got into a relationship with the doctor, which resulted in poor work on my part and I decided to leave" she paused thinking if she should say everything "Actually I'm leaving out the part where I found out the doctor was abusive and took out his frustrations against me" Veronica's eye widened as Vanessa spoke, "I know what I did was inappropriate, but I do not intend on letting that ruin my opportunities" she finished with a smile.

"Well that is a lot to take in Ms.Nichols," Veronica said in a stern voice "We'll consider everything that has occurred here today and I'll give you a call," she said politely,

"Thank you for your time," Vanessa said, leaving the office and heading to the elevator. Why am I so stupid, of course, she's not going to hire me now, guess I'll have to keep looking for a job, she thought waiting for the elevator doors to open with a ding.

When Vanessa was finally by the car she tossed her jacket in the back, took off her heels and took a quick drive to the supermarket. I don't think its too early to gorge myself on ice cream.


Danesha was busy at work waiting tables and getting familiar with the job, Miss V trained her and became her new work friend, the 43-year-old woman had a lot of knowledge just not on work but also on life, a young man came in and Miss V pointed her in the direction of the table they he was sitting,

"Damnnnnnn brother is fine," Danesha said watching him from behind the counter,

"Ya think so? Don't go over there flirting child?"

"Why not?" Danesha said fixing her tight uniform,

"You'll regret it babycakes," Miss V said but Danesha was halfway over to the table.

"Good day, welcome to Big Poppa's diner, can I take your order" Danesha recited her greeting, the man who was probably in his thirties looked up at her and smiled, he was tall, dark and looked quite appealing to Danesha's eyes.

"I'll have the hot wings with a side of wedges but I don't know what he's having" he motioned behind her with his head, she followed his direction to see another well-dressed man approaching them with more sway in his hips than her,

"Did you order for me babe?" the other man said

"Nah I didn't know what you wanted today" tall and dark said,

"You must be new, I've never seen you before," the second man said

"Yes, I'm new" Danesha said quickly,

"Well I'll have the club sandwiches and fries"

"Coming up" Danesha turned on her heel and headed towards the counter, "Why didn't you tell me he was gay!" she said to Miss V as she clipped the order up for Richard the chef,

Miss V and Richard both laughed at her,

"I tried to tell you but you went over there planning you and the man's wedding" Miss V laughed, Danesha shook her head, I love it here.

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