39. Watch Your Back

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Danesha woke up around midday and got ready to go over by Vanessa's she wore a black leggings, a tie died T-shirt and red 'Converse', she called Vanessa and told her to come outside she'd be there in a minute. She found Vanessa on the curb where she kicked her out that night, she wore a black hoodie and a teal skinny jeans.

"Hey babe" she greeted her as she got in,

"Heyyy, so where are we going?"

"Welllll we're gonna celebrate, Christmas is like next week and one we int done any shopping since we been cooped up in that house all this time soooo, we're going to the spa first and thennn, shopping and finally we bout to go clubbing and get FUCKED UP!" Vanessa listened cautiously as Danesha speed down the highway

"Ok you gotta take me to the ATM for all this" Vanessa said diving into her bag to get her purse,

"Nah I'm paying for the spa"

"Uhhh no you aren't take me to the ATM" Vanessa said pointing over to the bank but Danesha sped right past it "WHAT DID I JUST SAY!" her head wiped around to her in disbelief,

"Look I'm paying, I owe you so much you put up with my shit for so long, just let me do this one thing" Danesha pleaded putting on her baby face and looking at her,

"Watch the road dammit, fine you can pay for the spa but I'll do the rest"

"Deal" YES! Danesha thought.

They arrived at the spa, and they were enveloped in scents of vanilla and lavender, soothing music caressed their ears as they walked up to the counter, where two blondes stood,

"Good day ladies welcome to Golden Springs Spa, I'm Maddie and this is Carly, how can we help" the more mature of the two said smiling sweetly at them,

"Well uhh, I don't know what we want" Danesha spoke up not to sure how this worked,

"That's okay here is a list of the things we do here" Carly said wiping out a pamphlet from the drawer of the counter, "If you get the full body treatment it's cheaper and you get a $50 gift card" Vanessa let Danesha work it out as she walked around the place, the décor was grey with a metallic finish, over hanging lights gave the place a warming feeling, with scented candles along the walls, two flat screen TVs showed many people enjoying the treatments, like deep tissue massages and facials. "Okay, we'll have that then" Vanessa over heard Danesha say and she looked in her direction, she smiled and Danesha waved her over, "Come on ladies right this way" Maddie lead them into the back changing area, "Put your clothes in these pockets here and put on these robes when you're finished, you'll be going over to Johnathan and Michael for your massages". She left them to undress,

"So what are we getting,? what did you choose?" Vanessa casually asked as she tucked her clothing into the large white cupboard,

"It's a surprise"

Maddie returned and they followed her into another room where two oiled men stood next to two massage tables, Vanessa and Danesha turned to each other and mouthed damn,

"I want the one on the right" Danesha called dibs

"Girl, have him"

As they got closer Danesha whispered "I wonder with they do those happy massages, cause I'm ready" giving Vanessa a sly grin which caused her to burst out in laughter.

As they day went on they were pampered from head to toe Vanessa was beginning to get sleepy as Michael massaged her feet, there was a partion between her and Danesha but she could hear her ooing and ahhing. She so nasty Vanessa thought with a grin, she was glad she was getting back out there instead of moping around.

"Vanessa?" Michael's sensual voice alerted her,


"It's time for your wax"

Vanessa's eyes widen, she had no idea what else Danesha had in store for her.


After the day they had the pair were glowing, they strutted out of the spa, soothed and a bit high off of the treatment,

"I swear we have to do that again"

"Fuck shopping we'll do that tomorrow I just wanna go out and party" Danesha said getting into Big Poppa's car, she had been borrowing it from him.

As the sunset they made a stop by Danesha's for some clothes and then headed back to Vanessa's to chill until later.

They listened to music as they had a mini fashion show to figure out what they were going to wear, they showered together and were soon ready to go.

"Are you sure we should go out they still don't have Matthew" Vanessa asked drying her hair,

"Come on we went an entire day without thinking about him, let's go"

"Alright, just making sure you're cool" Vanessa said, even though the thoughts of Matthew remained in the back of her mind.

Vanessa settled on a short tan silky dress with a split from above her knee to her mid thigh, a part of nude strappy heels and her hair drawn back in a sleek bun, Danesha had on a pink crop top with matching skirt and choker, her hair was in a high pony and black stilettos.

They pulled up to the club and waited in line, the line was moving quickly and in less then 15 minutes they were inside. The pounding sounds of music surrounded them, the lashing lights and everyone on the dance floor, they danced their way through the crowd and to the bar, Danesha ordered some shots and as she Vanessa swayed to the music. Danesha offered her the shot glass,

"To you for never giving up on me" Danesha said raising her glass to Vanessa,

"Nah, to you for one of the best days I've had in a while" Vanessa replied, they paused for a moment,

"To us" they said simultaneously, with a laugh, drinking the shot in one swift gulp.

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