34. Lie To Me, I Dare You

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"Uhhhh, its nothing"

"Derek don't lie to me, what is it?" She said taking a seat next to him on the step, he didn't see her there and now he had no choice but to tell her and he wasn't even ready to tell her. She stared into his eyes, the flames of her anger growing in the back of her pupils. Derek heaved a heavy sigh as she kept her gaze locked on his there was no way he wasn't going to, tell her what the hell was going on,

"I'm really sorry"

"That's not what I asked, what is going on dammit?" Vanessa curly mane blew in the wind as she spoke and Derek couldn't put her through leaving once again, he missed her like crazy the last time and this time was going to be even longer.

"Fine, okay so there's this project at work and..."

"You have to leave town, it's a big project, I know" she interrupted leaving him confused,

"What do you mean "you know"?"

"Cause I got you that job, well technically dad did, he called the other day his friend wanted to know if he knew any good computer design guys so we set it up" She explained hoping he'd go to the job.

"What the fuck? Are you crazy?"

"What is wrong with you???? I got you a job and you're acting like I just killed your mother"

"Why would you do that with Matthew running around ready to attack at any moment" Derek was pissed but he couldn't believe she would go behind his back to get him to leave town when she would be the one saying "I miss you so much" every five minute

"Exactly because of that we cant stop living, police are working on it we are watched 24/7, you're always tense and you just need to go out there do your job and come back to me" "Vanessa"

"No shut up I brought this bullshit into your life you didn't ask to get wrapped up in this, and I don't want you to fear every moment of every day thinking that someone is going to attack us or our friends or family."

Derek paused as she lowered her head feeling the entire weight of her problems, she has caused everyone to be in so much danger, Danesha is afraid of her own house, Derek is looking over his shoulder in everything he does and her parents call her every hour on the hour to check in on her. I caused everyone around me to be going crazy, Vanessa thought looking at the rust on the metal stairs in which they sat.

"you didn't bring me into anything because even if that night didn't happen I would still be here for you, you're the one I want to be with, I love you Vanessa Nichols and there isn't any woman in this world that could change my mind" He said tilting her chin up to meet his lips, they kissed passionately after his confession of love for her and one tear of joy tumbled down her soft cheek.

Derek had experienced so many emotions in this one conversation, but it didn't end how he expected. He went into this conversation against leaving Vanessa but here they were packing his suitcase, she convinced him that she would be alright because Danesha was there the police never left her alone and they would accompany her on her job interview on Wednesday. He was leaving on Saturday and this time she was coming to the airport, Derek watched as she wore the shirt he had on earlier as a dress. They made a compromise only way Derek said he would go if she didn't go out anywhere without the police escort, he told her if she needed anything to call his cousin Kevin who owed him one to get it for her. Vanessa wasn't too fond of the idea but she needed him to go, they were all tense and she thought made getting him out of this environment she could relax a little if she wasn't worried about the fact he wouldn't sleep at night just to watch the windows in case Matthew found his way into their home.

Derek's protective radar was stuck on one hundred and it never came down they ordered food and he told the delivery guy to just out it by the door, slid the money under the door and told him to keep the change. Vanessa watched him as he tried to decide which shirt went better with his beige pants, he alternated between the two examining how they looked at each other. He looked over at her sitting on the bed in lotus pose,

"What?" she asked a bit defensive as he gazed at her, he chuckled,

"How do you convince me into doing shit I don't wanna do" they both laughed as he tossed the shirts on the top of his bag and climbed into bed next to her,

"All I do is bounce my ass on your dick and you're all like "Your wish is my command," she said mocking his voice, Derek's eyebrows rose in surprise, "Oh really well get to bouncing".


Friday morning rolled in with the sun pouring into their room, Derek was already up and getting ready to head off to his job, but this time was different, his fiery girlfriend was with him also she wore his favourite dress, a white dress with tiny yellow flowers, she looked stunning and she put the extra effort because she wanted him to go this time, this time she needed him to enjoy himself do his work and be back to her as soon as possible. Vanessa pulled her hair into a high ponytail with just a hint of matte lipstick and her eyebrows done. Derek hovered over her as she applied her makeup while wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I'm going to miss you," he said into her hair taking a whiff of her scent,

"And I'm going to miss you just come back to me"

He hugged her tightly rubbing his hands on her hips,

"And we're going to celebrate when I return"

"Celebrate? Celebrate what?" she said tossing his hands off of her as he dragged his fingers along the outline of her panties,

"You're new job and the success of my job"

Vanessa sauntered off to the bedroom shouting back at him "HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW IM GOING TO GET THE JOB"

Derek returned her holler as he straightened his tie and tucked in his shirt "BECAUSE THEY'LL BE CRAZY NOT TO HIRE YOU"

They arrived at the airport shortly, she drove chatting with him about what they would do when he returned. This was going to be the longest they had been apart 2 weeks and the more she thought about it the more she thought this was a bad idea but it would be alright she had Danesha there with her and she needed to work on their relationship. They didn't really talk about what happened they avoided that conversation to spear both of them.

Derek checked in and she stood by his side the entire way, she was starting to regret talking him into this but she kept that emotion off of her face,

"Hey you okay?" he asked her when he asked her a question and she didn't answer,

"I'm fine," she said with a weak smile trying to remain calm but she couldn't help thinking about Matthew either he might use this as the ideal time to make a move since the police didn't any more breakthroughs. When he was finished they sat in the waiting area just before he went into the departure lounge, they sat on the metal benches, What if he attacks now? She questioned mentally,

"If you don't want me to go I won't go," Derek said taking a sip of his coffee,


"Come on Vanessa I know you, I love you, you cant fool me"

"No no no I want you to go just thinking about how much I'm going to miss you," she said looking at the carpeted floor beneath them.

Derek placed his coffee on the bench and stooped in front of her, his blue orbs taking in hers, "Please don't cry, I'll be back really quick" he leaned in kissing her lightly when the intercom blasted to life, it was time to go.

Derek and Vanessa shared one more passionate kiss outside of the gate, tears bubbled in her eyes as he walked away slowly hand pulling out of hers, "I LOVE YOU" he shouted and everyone who wasn't deaf heard him, she blushed a little, "I LOVE YOU TOO" and the love of her life disappeared behind a door.

A/N: Hey guys it's my birthday yay so just because of that DOUBLE CHAPTER WEEK!!! ENJOY

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