24. Aftermath

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Danesha woke up on her cold bathroom floor, it felt like her heart, her head hurt in about 20 different places, she rose up and sat with her back against the wall. Danesha grabbed her phone which was the reason she was awake, her alarm went off, the alarms name was 'Meet Stephan at the hospital' a few tears seeped out of her eyes, they had the whole day planned.
Danesha turned off her phone and dragged herself to bed, her face smeared with makeup and her dress half on. Danesha knew with her secret being brought to light all of her privileges would be gone, no paid rent, no hotel stays it would all be gone. Wtf is wrong with me, I need to get myself together me and Stephan broke up and I'm thinking about the things I won't have anymore Danesha thought, Danesha's tears started once again as flashes of Stephan blew through her mind, the first night they met she didn't expect to be with him this long. Her aching heart burned as she laid on his side of her bed, his musk still lingered, "Why did I let you go" she whispered to the pillow. 


Stephan was at the hospital dealing with his last paitent before him and Danesha had a planned day, but he didn't even want to see her, Was I too sudden with my decision? He pondered. He left the examination on his way to his office when he bumped into his assistant Peggy,
"Oh I'm sorry Dr. Peterson" Peggy apologized noticing his dazed look "Doctor?"
"Yes?" Stephan casually smiled,
"Are you okay?"
"Of course, just tired I'm heading home, see ya tomorrow"
Stephan missed her, he wanted to know why, why she had an affair with Benjamin, besides him being rich why. His pride kept him from turning right at the traffic lights and heading to her place. It was mid day when the sun was at its highest, and it shone through his windscreen as he backed into his driveway, as he parked he saw an older, haggered lady approaching the car, Stephan was in no mood for any beggers. He stepped out of his car with the intent of getting inside of his home as quick as possible.
"Excuse me young man"
"Look lady I can't help you"
The older woman chuckled with a nasty cough,
"I'm not begging, shit I don't need your money just wanted to meet my daughter's boyfriend, but it can't be you I recalled her saying he was nice, have a nice day" and Danesha's mother slowly walked away. "Fuck" he cursed. , Stephan thought as he shoved the key in the door, turned it and entered.
His house was more of a 'Place to sleep' rather than a 'Home', he spent most of his time at Danesha's the last few months, she made his life complete, they fit together so well, maybe I should call her Stephan thought as he pulled two cold beers out of the fridge. "Fuck her " he spat out taking a long swig of his beer, as the sat in the dark thinking about her and how much he 'hated' her.
"Food's here!" Hannah hollered as she scurried to the door to collect their Chinese from the delivery guy. She returned to the kitchen to find Vanessa putting out four plates for them. They gathered around the 'buffet' as they helped themselves to Kung Pao Chicken, Orange Chicken, Stir Fried Rice, Chowmein and Mixed Vegetables. Derek headed back to living area and pressed play on the romance movie in which he lost the vote on movies 3 to 1.
Derek was thinking about Stephan they weren't really friends, but maybe he could give him a shout, see how he's doing Nah Derek shook the idea out of his head, Derek got up from the couch rubbing Vanessa's feet,
"Where are you going?" She asked
"I'll be right back going to make a call" Derek disappeared down the hall, Vanessa glanced across to see Catherine laying between Hannah's legs on her stomach, neither of them were watching the movie. Vanessa watched the movie with the sounds of Hannah giggling beside her.
Derek retrived his phone from the bureau, and dialed his mother's number, quickly after the first ring she answered,
"Hi mom"
"Hello darling, how are you?"
"I'm fine how are you? Are you okay?"
"Yes I am Mary was nice enough to give me the guest bedroom" she said and he could hear the smile on her lips,
"You sound...happy"
"I am I just hope you're enjoying your birthday" her voice slowly drifted off,
"Mom we'll get past this I promise don't think about that"
Derek said turning his attention to the short curly haired woman who joined him, she sat next to him on the bed.
"How's Danesha?" Cheryl asked with genuine concern,
"We don't know, Vanessa can't a hold of her"
"Tell Nessa she should go check on her"
"Ok mom will do bye"
"Love you" Cheryl said ending their conversation.
Derek looked at Vanessa sitting next to him in the low lighting,
"Hi" she said beaming
"Hey" Derek didn't think this was the time to tell her about what his mother said, Vanessa been worried since Saturday she just needed to relax a bit,
"I got lonely, and what's the point of watching Cat and Hannah get all mushy" she said acting like she touched a piece of wet food in the sink, ending it with a giggle,
"Maybe we could get mushy too" Derek gently pushed Vanessa onto the bed which made her erupt with laughter as he put wet kisses all over her face, she squirmed trying to get free, Derek worked his way down playfully kissing her stomach, which made her contort as she tried to run from the tickling sensation from his tongue gliding across her skin.
He tugged at her shorts with his teeth but not sexual, he did it more like a puppy playing with a chew toy, Vanessa peered down at him through the few wisps of hair that lay on her face. He stopped when he heard a soft cry, they both paused but the sound was coming from the bedroom on the opposite side of the hall. Catherine and Hannah's room.

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