29. Is This My Fault?

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Vanessa lunged at Stephan, but was caught by Big Poppa, she clawed at him but she couldn't get out of his father's arms "DONT YOU TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT!"

"And you were the first to throw shade at her" Stephan retorted, Vanessa's rage subdued slightly,

"Don't lie you were the first"

"Yea I was the first but I'm not going around defending a whore now am I"

Vanessa was about to pounce again when she felt another pair of hands around her waist she turned to see Derek,

"Come let's go"


"Vanessa!" Derek's voice silenced her and they were headed towards the door "And Stephan" Stephan turned his gaze towards him "Don't you speak to her like that ever again" after a few glares in Stephan's direction they left.

Vanessa was fuming, and she needed to find Danesha and fast,

"She's in the cafeteria" Hannah's voice got her attention, changing her mood completely, at least she knew she was safe, instead of doing something rash.

"You should give her sometime though, she'll talk to you when she's ready"

"But she needs me" Vanessa quickly rebutted

Vanessa examined Derek's face, and then Hannah's "Don't smother her" Hannah coolly replied

"What do you think?" she asked Derek but his face said all she needed to know, he agree with Hannah "Fine!"

She went to the waiting area, they couldn't leave yet the police had to talk to her before she left. Derek knew she was angry but he couldn't leave her waiting alone. Derek stopped by the cafeteria to get her a coffee, there he saw Danesha over by the glass gazing outside looking like a total wreak. He sighed, they had no relationship whatsoever other than the fact she was fucking his father, I'm going to regret this he thought,

"Uhh ahem" he sounded his voice but she still peered outside, "Hi" her eyes fluttered to his face, he could see the tear stains on her face, but she said nothing as she hugged herself. For the first time ever Derek felt sorry for all the things he said about her, This is awkward he thought when he was about to retreat,

"Hi" a weak sound crooked out of her throat,

"How are you feeling?" Derek couldn't think of anything else to ask, she smiled

"Thank you for asking" she sighed "I have no idea my- Stephan just got beaten to a pulp, and the person did it because of Vanessa? I have no idea how I'm feeling"

Derek processed her words, he honestly didn't know what to say or do, but he knew they all would get through this "Look the police are gonna question Vanessa shortly so we can figure this all out, uh... we cool?" Derek said with an outstretched hand, Danesha took it as his way of accepting her even after she ruined his parents marriage.

"Yea we cool" she said with a grin shaking his hand, after Derek went back to Vanessa where he would find two policemen, one very strapping man, tall, and blond with a moustache, he reminded Derek of Tom Selleck from 'Blue Bloods' apart from the hair while the other screamed sidekick, he was short, with a hunch.

Vanessa looked nervous, as Derek approached

"Is there anyone you know who would have a grudge against you?" the taller man asked while the shorter waited on her response,

"Uh no I don't think so" she said looking at Derek as if she were screaming 'HELP ME!' "Ok, and you are to Miss.Nichols ?" The officer said acknowledging Derek's presence

"I'm her boyfriend, Derek, Derek Warren"

"Ahhh yes you looked familiar , is there anyone who would threaten you? Knowing your um status in this town"

"No, no- wait, Matthew Rodriguez" Derek said looking at Vanessa, remembering he couldn't like them too much,

"Yes, it says here Miss. Nichols has a restraining order against him" another voice joined the conversation, the 'sidekick' and his voice sounded exactly how he looked.

"But he left town around the time of the incident, but we'll look into it thank you for your time" The policeman gave them a curt nod turned towards the exit, the meek policeman stayed a few steps behind "We'll be in contact, Vanessa, we'll get to the bottom of this" 'Smith' read across his badge and he bolted off behind his partner.

Derek hugged Vanessa's shoulders, and she placed her head on his shoulder "Do you really think it's Matthew?" Derek had a gut feeling it was him, but he didn't want to worry her,

"It might not be him, but if it is I'll kill him" .

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