31. Small Joys

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Vanessa woke up disoriented since Derek's spot was empty and she was oblivious to the fact that today was Wednesday; the day Derek returned to work. She had grown accustomed to waking up and find Derek, Hannah and Catherine there to greet her. Reality finally registered that she was home and not at the beach house.

She stretched her hand to the nightstand where her phone was and as soon as it was in her grasp it began to ring


"Hi-ii" she yawned into the phone

"Goooooooooddddddd morning sleepy head" Hannah sang, a little too chipper for Vanessa as she pulled the phone away from her ear, "Tell me you didn't just wake up"

"Uh ya, I kinda did" Vanessa sassed as she rolled her eyes

"Girl I'm on my way over there "

Vanessa peered over to the clock to see time it read 11:35,

"Hannah it's way too early-"

"Nope it's not I'm coming go get ready or I'm taking your nasty ass as you are! BYE!" Hannah cut her off and hung up on her imma kill her she thought.

Vanessa quickly got out of bed and headed to the shower to wash away her sorrows from yesterday, and prepare to an awesome day with Hannah. Vanessa dressed comfy, a pair of white Vans, an army green joggers, a blue racer back crop top and her bouncy curls gently brushing against her shoulders.

Vanessa was examing herself, she looked pretty good for someone who moped around an entire night. She was about to grab her bag and go outside to meet Hannah when the phone rang, she automatically thought it would be the police calling to notify her about the case.

"Hello" she said fearful of the news,

"Hello I'm Veronica James calling from Berkham Hospital, calling for Vanessa Nichols" the eager voice on the other end stated,

"Yes that's me" remembering that she applied for a job shortly after leaving Matthew's Clinic, and never got a call back. She assumed she calling to tell her she didn't get the job.

"Oh! Well Vanessa I'm calling to inform you that you have been selected to come in for an interview, from your resume you seem more than capable to handle the job but we want to get to know you more is that okay?" as Veronica spoke the grin on Vanessa's face grew wider and wider,

"Yes! That's more than okay"

Veronica chuckled at her enthusiasm, "Is next Wednesday-"

"BITCH! YOU BETTER BE UP!" Hannah's voice echoed through the house, cutting off Ms. James, Vanessa turned to see the brunette in her living room standing, Vanessa silently shushed her, Hannah covered her mouth realizing Vanessa was on the phone

"I'm so sorry, you were saying Ms. James" she said glaring at Hannah and she mouth "I'm sorry" at her

"That's ok, is Wednesday okay for you? At noon?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Okay i'll email you where to come, can't wait to meet you bye bye"


Vanessa hung taking a deep breathe,

"I'm sooo sorry, who was that?" Hannah apologized again

"I GOT AN INTERVIEW BITCH!" shocking Hannah by her outburst, they hugged rocking from side to side,

"Congrats honey! Let's go get drunk!"

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