22. Everything Goes Down Hill

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Benjamin reclined in his study chair, she was here, at his house, with his wife, how the hell did this happen, I thought she said she was done, but yet here she is, maybe she still wants me. He then recalled how she and that black guy kissed while they were dancing, I lost her to him, he couldn't take care of he like I can!, he slammed his fists onto the table.
Derek was dancing with Vanessa under the shimmering lights in the gazebo,
"Did you do all of this?"
"Not all by myself, Hannah helped with decorating, your mum helped with the food, and I did the guest list"
"Can't believe you did all of this for me, setting the bar really high"
"You haven't even gotten all of your gift when we leave here tonight we're spending the next few days at the beach house, Cat and Hannah are staying at" she grinned, the night was perfect and she was with him, rocking her to a slow tune,
"Have you seen my mom recently?" Derek asked and they stopped dancing,
"There she is" Vanessa said pointing in the direction of Cheryl and Danesha,
"IT'S YOU" Cheryl shouted, "YOU'RE THE ONE THAT'S SLEEPING WITH MY HUSBAND" Vanessa could feel her hand burning, she looked down to see Derek holding her hand tightly, "Baby relax"
Derek released his grip on her hand and marched over to the two women, with Vanessa on his heels "What is going on here?"
"It's her, she's the one, the one he's out with late at night" Cheryl pointed out to Derek, who was seconds away from exploding,
"What are you talking about" Stephan stepped forward in front of Danesha, who was frozen stiff,
"Danesha isn't that kind of person" he defended,
Derek who was irritated now gave a sarcastic laugh,
"You don't even know her like that "
"Watch your mouth Warren" Stephan snared,
"What are you gonna do Peterson" the two men were inches away from throwing a fist, and Vanessa could not believe what was unfolding before her eyes, everyone was watching,
"Look Danesha, just tell them it's not you" Stephan said stooping, bringing himself to her height,
"She can't even deny it" Catherine shouted who joined the big commotion with Hannah
"Danesha?" Vanessa finally said, "Please.....say it's not you please" Danesha could see the sorrow in her eyes, she was about to lose Stephan and Vanessa in one night,
"I'm sorry"
"OMG, how could you do this?" Vanessa asked
The buzzing of voices, around them engulfed her, she was spiraling out of control, the faces around her showed, regret, anger, sadness, it was too much to take in all at once, but the face that hurt her the most was Stephan's,
"Tell me it's not true" she heard from him out of the thousands of words being said,
"It's fucking true" Derek said "Derek shut up" Vanessa retorted, Danesha was surprised Vanessa actually stood up for her,
"I'm so so sorry, I never meant for all of this" She said facing the three Warrens, who were there,
"It's not your fault" Cheryl soothed causing her childrens' mouth to drop open "Mum what are you saying?, she broke your marriage up" Catherine asked, her face as red as her hair, "She isn't the married one" and Cheryl entered the house to confront her husband, leaving her Danesha in her children's care,
"Get the fuck out of here" Derek said addressing Danesha, she grabbed her bag and was bolting around the side of the house, she didn't even look for Stephan, she knew she lost the two most important people in her life and she probably won't get them back.


Cheryl ascended the stairs and stood outside of Benjamin's study, she entered to find him sitting backing the door, she was furious, her body pulsed with ever step closer to him, she was now face to face with a man she didn't know,
"Hello honey"
"You bastard!" she screamed slapping him in the face, his head whipped to the side with a crack,
"HAVE YOU LOST YOUR GODDAMN MIND" he rose to his feet pushing her back, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!???"
"You cheated on me for the past 5 years and I'm supposed to be happy!" Cheryl spat back, his face melted, Benjamin knew Cheryl found out about Danesha and it was his fault,
"I stayed with you thinking you would stop, thinking somewhere in that body was the man who once loved me" she said pacing in front of him, "But you never did" she paused looking at him, face straight with zero regrets, "I want a divorce"
"But- you can't I love you"
"LOVE? LOVE ME? Five years ago I would have believed that, but you're just a nasty bastard" she shock her head in disgust, he grabbed her arm, but as she ripped into his heart with her eyes he released her, "Now I don't know who the hell you are"
"I'm sorry I-it- "
"Benjamin I don't care I want a divorce and that's it"
She stormed out of his study and slammed the door behind her, her heart dropped when she left that room, there she was a shattered woman with a broken life, the tears streamed down her face and landed on her floral dress. She still loved him but she couldn't do this anymore, it was time to grow a backbone, for not only herself but her children,
"Mom" a concerned Catherine stood at the end of the hallway, Cheryl wiped her tears away and forced a grin,
"You know you're so beautiful"
"And you found a great girlfriend"
Catherine was now face to face with her mother, Cheryl could barely contain the tears, as she remembered how she threw her only daughter out into the world because of a man.
"I'm sorry Catherine"
"I don't care, I-" Her voice cracked, as she was about to speak,
"I love you too" Catherine hugged her mother tightly, knowing that this was a hard time for her, and she needed support,
"I don't know why I'm so sad, I knew, I knew there was someone " Cheryl sobbed her tears starting again,
"You loved him, love makes anyone do crazy things"
"I'm glad you can forgive me" Cheryl peered into her daughters green eyes, "Biggest mistake of my life letting you go"


Vanessa, Derek and Hannah were in the kitchen sitting around the counter on bar stools, most people left after the spectacular scene, Derek was still fuming, while Vanessa replayed everything, it all made sense, she thought the hotel room, the Warren slip up everything made sense now. She couldn't believe Danesha, she lied to her for months and ever felt a least bit sorry,
"I should have gone over to that damn car" Derek said in a low growl, folding his fists "I should have beat the shit out of him, AND HES UP THERE IN A FUCKING STUDY CHILLING" Derek roared
"Derek!" Vanessa heard another voice call his name, they turned to see Catherine and Cheryl emerge from upstairs, they rose to their feet,
"Are you okay?" A now concerned Derek asked,
"I'm fine I just need you to stop shouting in my house" his mother said, Derek cocked an eyebrow at him, "And don't y'all have a beach house to get to?"
"Ma'am we couldn't do that" Hannah spoke sweetly,
"I like this girl" Cheryl said to Catherine, who rolled her eyes while Hannah blushed "That's sweet but I'm okay trust me go ahead"
"And leave you here?" Vanessa chimed in,
"Come with us" Catherine spoke up,
"No, no I will not I'll go by a friend's house I don't need to wreak your weekend "
"Bu-" Derek and Catherine started
"NO! Go!"
The couples noticed there would be no chance Mrs.Warren would be joining them and left in defeat, after a few more hugs and kisses.

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