13. The First Call

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Vanessa laid on the couch worried sick, her period was coming, her mood swings, her nasty attitude towards Derek, it all made sense now. She just wished he would answer his phone she left about 20 messages and 10 calls. She wasn't sure what to do she just laid there, her hair was still wet after her shower, she ate her dinner he prepared for her, he even topped it with roasted sweet pepper just how she liked it. She cried a little while she ate, her emotions consumed her but she enjoyed it nevertheless. She picked up her phone to call him again when the front door slammed and Derek came barreling through the apartment,
"What's wrong? What happened??!" Vanessa had never seen him like this she was afraid to approach him, but she didn't think he would hit her,
"Derek...." her voice was soft, smooth like silk, she was one end of the hall as he continued to pace,
"Derek answer me"
"That bastard! Fucking some bitch"
Vanessa was so confused, What bastard?, Derek finally stopped pacing, he just stood there, hands folded into fists, she could see the trail of blood on the floor in the region in which he paced, his hands bled pouring onto the floor
"I should have fucking killed him" Derek bellowed causing her to jump slightly "I should have killed him I had the chance"
"Killed who?, What did you do?" the concern was creeping to her voice What DID he do? Derek grabbed her, and glared into her eyes she could see the fire in them, his hands were on fire,
"Benjamin" his said his voice was deep and husky, and his breathing felt hot against her cheek, Benjamin?
"Your father?"
"Don't fucking call him that, he's nothing"
Vanessa's eyes widened and that night replayed in her head, that fear, the fear to run, the fear of being hurt again, she searched his eyes, Were his intentions the same as Matthew's?. His grip on her shoulders receded, and his head sank to the floor
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he paused and continued "I just watched my fath-, Benjamin, fuck some girl while my mother is home waiting for him"
Vanessa wasn't sure what to say, she was actually dumbfounded, she didn't want to make it worse, one she couldn't believe his father would do that to his mother and two she couldn't believe Derek saw and watched,
"How did you see?" She said trying to calm him down by rubbing his shoulder
" Took the bitch out east side couldn't even take her to a motel" he scolded
"And what did you do after you watched?" She pulled him to the couch
"I wanted to go smash his face in" he balled his hand into a fist again just thinking about his father's face, Vanessa placed her hand on his thigh and gave him a weak smile he relaxed and continued " but I left and spent the last fifteen minutes outside punching a pole" looking at his bloody knuckles, she sighed internally and gave him a broad smile. For a second there she swore he did something he'd regret,
"Let's get you cleaned up" she stated kissing him on the cheek and went to retrieve the first aid kit.


Danesha sipped her caramel toffee frescante while she waited for Vanessa to get there. Every Thursday they would meet up at the mall since they both were jobless, they spent most of their time talking about Stephan and Derek, they had finally gotten two good men in their lives and even though she hated Derek she tried her best to support their relationship. Vanessa was 20 minutes late so she decided to get a soft pretzel after finishing her drink, as she took a bite of the pretzel she realized she had a missed call. It was him again, she was honestly tired of him and his bullshit and she was going to give him a piece of her mind before she could dial the number he was calling again
"What?" she growled into the phone
"Can you please just relax, I just wanted to talk.." his voice was soft, which was rare for his persona
"Talk? TALK? Are you kidding me I told you that was the last time and not to contact me anymore" Danesha didn't even notice how loud she was talking, her voice kept rising
"Danesha please, I'm sorry about that really didn't think I'd get you in trouble"
"Fuck off, and start fucking your wife, I'm done with you and I'm being faithful just leave me" she hung up and deleted his number she saw no need for it anymore, she was with Stephan and that's the only man she needed blowing up her phone.
"Wellllll....that was intense" a voice behind her said Shit she thought she turned to see Vanessa munching on a pretzel also with cheddar cheese on her fingers
"Some pig keeps calling my phone trying to hook up" she lied....again.....these lies were going to bite her in the ass eventually but she kept adding to them,
"Well you sure told him" Vanessa chuckled, she knew she was lying but her mind was on Derek, after a night of lazy pillow-talk, about random stuff with the addition French kissing since her period came while she was tending to his hands. "Guess they won't be calling again right?" Vanessa continued as she got her fill with the salty pretzel, Danesha examined Vanessa scoffing down the pretzel and her attire, dark blue sweatpants and a black and white hoodie, hair in a wild afro. Vanessa always went crazy every week of her period like her sense of direction is removed for 5 days and then given back, once every month Danesha was the one who had it all together.
Vanessa and Danesha spent the day in party supply stores and clothing, of course, they were looking for party supplies for Derek's birthday, December 8th, Vanessa, and Cheryl were planning this for a few weeks and they had to get this shit right, Vanessa wasn't sure if to invite his father but she did either way, and if she didn't she couldn't tell Mrs. Warren why her husband wasn't invited.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and in honor of 800 reads double chapter :).

So tell me what y'all thought of this chapter, was Derek right for how he reacted?
What do you think of Vanessa ignoring Danesha when she knows she's lying?
And tell me what you think of Danesha and her lies?

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