8. Shock To The Heart

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SUPRISE SUPRISE double chapter week....enjoy

The sun peaked out from behind Vanessa's curtains, she rolled over as she usually did every morning and she hit a large object, she was shocked to find a naked Derek lying next to her, Vanessa looked at herself fully clothed and confused, she didn't mind, last night was amazing from what she remembered, she lifted Derek's arm and snuggled up against him, she almost woke him but he settled back into sleep. A few minutes later Vanessa caught herself and she looked at her clock on the side table beside her it was 7:15 am Tuesday, she over slept by an hour and 15 minutes

"O shit!" she shouted as she jumped from the bed waking Derek up,
"What's...wrong" he asked between yawning and watching Vanessa run into the bathroom,
"LOOK AT THE TIME!" she shouted from the other room, Derek wasn't sure what was going on since he was half asleep, Vanessa was always early this is the first time in months she was late. Derek could hear her swear words echoing from the bathroom after a while of hearing the water running he finally dragged himself from the bed he could see Vanessa's silhouette behind the curtain, Derek still naked from last night's activities stepped into the shower behind her. Vanessa who has a thing about punctuality was trying to shower as quickly as she could when she heard him enter, she didn't look just continued to let the water beat down on her face. He placed his hands on her shoulders giving her a gentle squeeze her muscles were tense he rubbed them gently making her turn her head to a side as he massaged her, seeing the opening he kissed her on her neck, she sighed lightly beginning to enjoy his masculine hands working out the knots in her shoulders, Vanessa was all into it then remembering she was late she brushed his hands off her shoulders turning to face him, he stood there like he belonged there it didn't seem like he was obstructing her in any way,
"How about I drive you to work ok? And you're always early Nessa one day can't hurt" he said trying to calm her down
She looked at him with her eyebrow raised unsure about the whole idea,
"No it's best if I drive, and what will you be doing all day?"
"No questions asked I'm driving and I was wondering if I could stay here" Derek didn't want to go home just as yet wanted to spend time with her, around her,
Vanessa was about to say no to him driving her but she caved when he gave her those big blue puppy eyes. They finished their shower with a bit of unintentional intentional touches.


Derek got Vanessa to work quickly, she was about an hour and a half late, she was met by Matthew at the door, she found it unusual for him to be at the door like some kind of guard, she ignored and got right into work, she had just taken her favourite patient's blood pressure, Mrs. Maxwell a sweet 78 year old. Mrs. Maxwell started coming to the clinic shortly after she started work there and took a liking to her.
"Who was the hot guy who brought you here and why was he driving your car?" the attention seeking Carmen stopped Vanessa in the hallway just in front of Matthew's office, she tried to step past her but she just blocked her again,
"Come on you can tell me, boyfriend?"
"Don't you have a front desk to watch?" Vanessa turned and walked the other way,
"Avoiding the question eh? He must be, or......"
Vanessa glanced back at her she winked before she finished her sentence
"Or he's just a fuck buddy" Carmen strutted off feeling content that she had ruffled Vanessa's feathers. Vanessa wasn't even sure what she and Derek were, that was the main reason why she didn't answer. She shook it off and moved on to the next patient. It was a hectic day, the first day she was late patients kept coming in, woman after woman some with bogus 'illnesses' and actual illnesses. Vanessa had worked a bit over time to make up for the time lost this morning. It was about 8 pm, she had a very long day, she was glad it was over, Carmen had just left and only Vanessa and Matthew were there. Vanessa was in the waiting room waiting on Derek to pick her up when Matthew came out of his office
"I need to speak to you in my office immediately" he callously said then returning to his office.
Derek was on his way to get Vanessa he couldn't wait to see her, she was his new joy and he never wanted to lose her. Earlier that day when he was by her home job hunting the phone rang, not thinking he answered the person didn't respond just hung up. Derek wasn't bothered about it because in a few hours he was going to see his girlfriend,

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