Tinkering and sleeping problems

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Emma's POV

''So this means that I can choose who I want, but only in present time?'' I ask Bruce. We stand in the lap in the Helicarrier.

He nods and smiles at me. ''Yes, and you can do it whenever you want, not only when you sleep. You just have to learn how to control it.'' He tells me.

''Do you know how?'' I ask him, incase I want him to be my ''mentor'' if you can call it that. But unfortunately, he shakes his head.

''No, but I have a feeling that it's about concentrating of the person you want to overtake.'' he says to me.

I frown at him. ''The way you say it... it doesn't sound as a very good thing.'' he sighs heavily and walks towards me.

''Maybe because it's not always is. I mean, you can change a lot of things, when you overtake someone's body. You can change the whole person's life, with one single mistake. I know it's not your fault, that you get your visions, but when you learn to control it, don't use it so much, unless it's absolutely necessary.'' he tells me.

I sigh and sit on one of the chairs. I look down at the button on my chest, consider to call Tony to get him here, but he's got his own things to worry about. I don't want to attack him with my problems. I feel Bruce's hand on my shoulder. I look up at him who has a worried look.

''I'm sorry if I scared you, but it's for everyone's safety. It's not your fault, but you remember what happened to your dads colleague.'' He says. I nod and stand from the chair.

''I think I want to go home now. I will find someone who can teach me how to control my powers. Thank you for the help Bruce. It means a lot.'' I say and hug him. ''I'm going to miss you.'' I tell him before pulling out of the hug and giving him a kiss on the cheek like I always do. He smiles at me.

''Don't thank me, Em. I'll miss you too.'' he says and leaves the lab. I go outside and put on my helmet before flying home. It takes me about an hour to get home, so I'm just exhausted, but also sad about my powers. Why is it always happening to me?

When I reach the mansion I see a big... what is it a dog or a rabbit? I can't see it. I see it's got some sort of a collar with a plate that says ''Merry Christmas Emma''. I sigh heavily at the thought of Tony being not so surprising. He literally buys me everything I point at. But that also means that he's home. Why? I thought I would be home before he would. Maybe something serious happened.

I fly through the open window and into the bedroom. I take off my suit and walk downstairs into the living room with sloppy steps. I can't stop thinking about what Bruce said to me. I don't know what to do.

''Baby, are you okay?'' I jump by the voice, and I see Tony sit on the couch in his Iron Man suit. Why is he having it on in here?

''Why do you have that on in here? I thought we agreed that your toys are only downstairs in the garage.'' I say to him.

He then stands from the couch.  ''You know, everybody needs a hobby.'' He says.

I look at him suspiciously. I know there's something wrong about this. He never wears the suit inside, and every time he sees me after a long day of not seeing each other, he always attacks me with big hugs and a lot of kisses, especially when I'm in a bad mood.

I know Tony well enough to know, that he's not in the suit. I've seen what his upgrades are (I've been looking into his work, without telling him. Hush.) so I know that he's somewhere else and has some kind of a remote that controls the suit. But I won't tell him. I like to joke around with him.

''You call that a hobby? Usually you don't wear your hobby inside. You know, like football or baseball. But if you scratch that, is that your new suit you've been working on, the Mark 42?'' I ask him, as I walk towards him (even though I know).

Iron Man 3/Captain America: The Winter Solder (Sequeal to The Avengers)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ