Broken heart

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Several months goes by, before I'm going to another mission at SHIELD. Weirdly enough I haven't heard anything from the other Avengers for a while now. It surprises me, especially with Clint, Nat and Bruce. With Thor and Steve I'm not surprised.

Thor is in Asgard, probably dealing with Loki and Steve is probably mad at me. Or I think he is, because of what happened in the park many months ago. I haven't heard from him since. I start to worry, if something has happened to him or any of the other Avengers.

I consider to call Clint to see what's going on. I take out my phone and find his number. I call him and wait for him to answer the phone. But he never does and it goes to voicemail. I sigh heavily. I want to call Natasha as well, but I don't have the time because I got a mission very soon.

I stand from the couch and go to elevator to go to the lab to say goodby to Tony. When I get there I see him sitting one of the chairs. I walk towards him and see him working on a suit. Mentally roll my eyes at him.

Since he started on making new suits, he's been obsessed with it like he used to. Since the night in the lab, when I made my Mark 3, I've become less obsessed with it. So now it's like what it used to be.

Him working all night, while I wait for him to join me in the bed. And it definitely not help, now when I'm not a virgin anymore, because then I just got extra impatient with him.

I take my hand to his back and caress him slightly. ''I'm leaving for the mission now.'' I tell him.

He turns around and stands from the chair before kissing me deeply. He takes his arms around my waist to pull me closer to him. He breaks the kiss and hugs me tight. You see, this is what I like about him. Even though he's really busy with the suits, he always got the time for me.

''Like I always say, be careful. I want to see you in one piece when you get home.'' he says to me.

I breaks the hug and kiss him on the cheek. ''And like I always say, don't worry. You will see me in one peace. I got the suit, remember?'' I ask him. He nods. ''Good. Now, I'm gonna get my suit and set off. I'll see you tonight. I love you.'' I say to him and kiss him on the cheek before leaving the lab.

''Love you too, baby.'' I manage to hear him say to me before the elevator doors close. I get to my room of my suit and take my Mark 2, because the Mark III is still not ready to use in action.

I leave the tower and fly towards the Triskelion where I'm supposed to meet up with Nick. When I get there I walk inside with my armor on. I try to find Nick between the crowd. I get a few look from people, because they know who I am.

I don't manage to find Nick, but suddenly I see agent Sitwell stand not so far from me. He looks at me with a small smile, so I can tell it's me he's waiting for.

I walk towards him and then stops when I stand right in front of him. I take of my helmet before speaking. ''I'm supposed to meet up with Director Fury. Where is he?'' I ask him.

He offers a hand towards a door. ''This way.'' he says to me, wanting me to walk through the door.

When I get in there I recognise the room immediately. It's the same room where Steve and I talked, the last time I was here with Tony. It reminds me of the conversation we had. About him loving me and me loving him.

When I think about it, it makes me suddenly feel different. Like I'm in doubt of my feelings... again. I haven't seen Steve since the New York event, and I've been with Tony since the New York event, only make it obvious that I love him more than Steve. And in some way I do, but every time I think about Steve, I'm in doubt of my feelings.

''Emma.'' I hear agent Sitwell call to me. I turn around to him. ''You said that you're here to meet up with Director Fury.'' I nod at him. He sighs and starts to walk around me, while I keep my eyes on him. I can tell something's wrong. I hope it's not too serious. ''There's something you have to know. Something has happened.'' he starts out. I skip a breath by his words. I now get worried. ''The other day, he was at Mr. Rogers apartment. He then got shot from behind by an unknown person. The damages was too rough for him to survive it. He's right now at the hospital.'' he ends.

I freeze. My heart is broken. First I lost my parents, then my aunt, then Phil who took care of me since my aunt died, and now Fury who took care of me since Phil died. I loose everyone in my life. It shouldn't surprise me if Tony, Steve, Nat or Clint are the next.

I get tears in my eyes, because I can no longer hold it in. ''I unfortunately can't tell you more, but you can talk to Steve about it. He was there when it happened. I know how close you two are.'' he says to me. I nod as an respond, don't want to talk about Steve right now. I feel a hand on my shoulder. ''I'm really sorry, Em.'' he says to me before leaving the room.

When the door closes, I put on my helmet and shoot beams from my blaster on the window so it breaks. I then fly out of the window. I cry all the way home to Tony at the tower. Oh, I forgot to mention that the tower is no longer Stark Tower. It's now the Avengers Tower, since the only letter that's back from the battle in New York is the "A" from "STARK".

I then though it'll be a good idea to make it to the Avengers Tower, so all Avengers could live there and be together as a team. Of course, even though it was my idea to change it to Avengers Tower, I was a bit nervous when it came to Steve. But I'll deal with him when I see him.

When I finally get home after an hour of flying, I fly to my suit-room and get out of my suit. I take the elevator to the big suite. I walk around in frustration, and because I can't control my temper I hit a vase on one of the small tables and it breaks to pieces on the floor.

As I'm breathing heavily, I hear Jarvis speak up. ''Miss Clark, I've told Mr. Stark to get in here, because you're on a high level of your pulse. In the meantime while waiting for him, you need to calm down.'' he says to me.

I shake my head. ''I can't. Nick is dead and I can't do anything about it!'' I shout at Jarvis. He then stays silent. I continue breathing heavily and breaking stuff. I don't comprehend Tony coming because of the loud noises.

''Emma!'' I hear Tony shout before he takes his arms around me to stop me from breaking stuff. I start to cry into his body, because I can't hold it in. He hushes at me, comforting me. He probably knows it by Jarvis. ''It's okay, baby. It's okay.'' he says to me in a low voice. I eventually calm down and I break the hug to look at him. ''I'm sorry.'' he then says, referring to Nick.

I give him an emotionless expression. ''He's gone.'' I say simply.

He nods. ''I know, baby. I'm so sorry.'' he says to me. He knows how my relationship with Fury was. I saw him like a third father, along with my real father and Phil. Both him and Phil have been taking care of me since I came to SHIELD. So now when none of them is here, I feel nothing. I feel that the only one I got is Tony.

I get into his body for his comfort, because I don't want to be alone. He can probably sense it, because he brings us both to our shared room. He make us both lie in the bed and relax. He tells me to go to sleep, so I do while he comforts me. While I try to sleep, I think about how my life would be without Tony. Nothing. I see nothing, because I can't imagine my life without Tony.

Iron Man 3/Captain America: The Winter Solder (Sequeal to The Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now