There's a hero inside all of us

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I wake up in a room with almost nothing. I don't know for how long I've been gone. My head hurts like hell. I can't see straight. I try to move but I realise that I can't. I look down at myself to see myself trapped. I then see a man next to me, taking some tests , I think. Hopefully not on me.

I also have nothing but black leggings and a black sport-bra. Luckily for me I have a fit body. I suddenly see my skin is a bit orange. I'm about to get Extremis inside me. No way that that's going to happen. I tighten my muscles, calling my suit so I can get out of here, but the suit never comes. Where is my suit anyway?

I then hear some footsteps approaching. I look in the direction of the sound and I see Aldrich Killian walk towards me. I ignore him and look away, don't want to deal with him right now.

''Hi sweetheart.'' he says to me. I look at him and give him an evil glare. He chuckles at me. What's so funny about my evil glare?

I get really pissed off by the reason why he's captured me here. ''You really think he's going to help you? Let me give you a hint. He won't.'' I say with my angry tone. He smiles at me and walks closer to me.

''Having you here is not just to motivate Tony Stark, it's um... Well it's actually more embarrassing than that. You're here as my, um...'' he trails off. But that's okay, because I know what he's going to say.

''Trophy.'' I say in a low tone. He chuckles at the silliness. He should be, this is so silly.

''Mmh.'' he mumbles in confirming. Then the Iron Patriot suit comes and I then get my hopes on, because I think it's James, but I get my hopes on too soon. ''Good evening, sir.'' Aldrich says to the suit. I wonder who's inside the suit. The suit opens and the president comes out, falling forwards. ''Welcome aboard, Mr. President.'' Aldrich says as he salute to the president. He then walks away with the president, leaving me alone again.

As I wait for something to happen, I suddenly hear a lot of noise, coming from outside. I recognise a sound, a sound coming from a suit. So either it's my suit or Tony who's here. I try to wiggle myself free so I can find my suit. I fail miserably. Suddenly I hear something that flies, approaching the container we're in.

I don't make it to think any further, before something hits the container. I then fly backwards. I get free from the tying, but something from the container lands on me so I get trapped... again. I then black out because it hits me too hard.

I wake up again when I feel someone lift the material above me. I gasp because it's hurting so bad. I see Tony in his suit.

''Tony stop! Put it down.'' I say to him. He doesn't listen to me. ''Tony, put it down.'' I say to him again. He still stands still. ''I said put it down, Tony. Just trust me.'' he finally listen and put the material down again. I sigh in relief of the pain. He then gets on knees and flips up the mask.

''See what happens when you hang out with my ex-girlfriends?'' he says to me. I frown at him because it sounded ridiculous.

He reach out his hand to me, but I don't take it. ''You're such a jerk.'' I tell him.

''Yep. We'll talk about it over dinner.'' he says to me. I then reach for his hand, but I'm too far away to reach his hand. I struggle to reach the hand. ''Come on. A little more, baby.'' he says to me. I then finally reach his hand, but suddenly a glowing hand takes Tony on the armour on the stomach, and he then falls on his back.

I gasp. I see Aldrich come up from downstairs of the container. He looks at me and then points at Tony. ''Is this guy bothering you?'' he asks me. I keep silent and look at him with my usual evil glare. He then gets up and walk over to Tony, getting on his knees in front of him. ''Don't get up.'' he then puts his finger on the chest of the armour. ''Ooh. Is it hot in there?'' He teases him. ''Stuck? Do you feel a little stuck?'' I want to kill him for doing that to Tony. I try to wiggle myself out, but I can't because the material is too heavy. ''Like a little turtle cooking in his little turtle suit.'' I then hear him say to Tony. Tony then groans of the hotness inside of the suit.

Iron Man 3/Captain America: The Winter Solder (Sequeal to The Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now