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''One minute.'' Hill says to Steve. We wait patiently for Steve to plug the last blade, but nothing happens. There's completely silent. There's now half a minute left. ''30 seconds, Cap.'' she says to him.

''Stand by.'' Steve says to her in a very weak condition, I can tell. ''Charlie...'' he says but nothing more. Bucky. He's shooting him.

I look at Hill. ''He's getting shot by Bucky.'' I tell her. She ignores me and keeps looking at the screen. I look as well and see all the targets being engaged. I see the Triskelion, the white house, and some other places I don't recognise.

But then I see something that breaks my heart to pieces. The targets are also in the new Avengers Tower and on the left side of the screen, I see 6 men where Tony is included. ''TONY!'' I scream. Because of the sudden shock I got, I suddenly see blurry and before I know it, I faint. I hear Hill shouting my name before I black out.

~~Vision Start~~

I wake up in a body of an agent from HYDRA. I see I'm in the Triskelion. I can see out of the window the Helicarriers crashing into each other. I sigh in relief. I means that Steve made it, and the target where only the 3 Helicarriers, means that Tony is still alive.

But I still got scared as hell. I would've killed myself, if Tony got killed today. I can't live without him. This is the moment where I realise that I want Tony. It's him I want to be with. I love Steve, but I know he's interested in Sharon. And I'm fine with it. As long he's happy, I'm happy.

Because I'm in too deep in my thoughts, I don't acknowledge to see the Helicarrier, Charlie, crashing into the Triskelion. I'm about to get hit, so I run away from the crashing, but I then realise that I'm in the body of a HYDRA agent, so I stop running.

~~Vision End~~

I wake up in familiar surroundings. I see mine and Tony's bedroom in the Avengers Tower. I frown to myself. How did I get here? What happened to the others? Are they alive? What about Bucky? All the questions fly around inside my head.

I get out of the bed and walk out of the bedroom. I wonder where my suit is. I walk into my suit collection and see my Mark 2. It's in a new armor, like it's never been used. Maybe Tony has worked on it.

I walk to the elevator and take it to the common floor. ''Welcome back to the Avengers Tower, miss. I hope you had a good nights sleep.'' Jarvis says to me. He sounds like nothing has happened.

''Thank you, Jarvis. I did. Where is Tony?'' I ask him.

''He's on the common floor, waiting for your presence.'' he tells me.

I stay silent and wait for the elevator to reach the floor. When the elevator doors open, I see Tony sitting on the one of the couches. He hears the elevator doors, so he turns to me. When I see him, it makes me think of him being a target and almost dying in front of my eyes.

I start to tear up and then run towards him. When I approach him, I hug him tight and start to cry. ''It's okay, baby. I'm okay.'' he says to me.

With that I cry even more. He hushes at me, trying to calming me down. I do a bit, but not much. ''You were a target... You were so close to die.'' I cry.

He hugs me tighter. ''I know, baby.'' he says to me. He then pulls away and looks at me in the eyes while rubbing my face. ''I'm just relieved that you came unhurt from that mission.'' he says to me.

I sniff and frown at him. ''How did I even get home? The last thing I remember is me seeing you a target.'' I say to him.

''Agent Hill came with you on a helicopter, along with your suit.'' he tells me. Well, that explains the suit in my armor room. I nod at him. ''She signed up for the job. And I gave it to her.'' he suddenly tells me.

Before I left the tower for the mission, Tony told me he needed someone for a job in Stark Industries. I don't know what kind of job it is, the only thing I know, is that it's of something about prison and then globally. More I don't know.

I nod at him. He smiles at me before leaning in to kiss me deeply. Wow, I've missed those lips so much. I know I've only been gone for days, but still, these days have been on of the most horrible days for me.

This suddenly reminds me of my vision. I pulls away and look at him in the eyes. ''Tony, I got something to tell you.'' I say in my nervous voice.

''What's wrong, baby?'' he asks me.

I sigh and start to tear up again. ''I'm going to tell you something, and I know you won't be happy about it.'' I say and now cry.

Tony takes his arms around my waist. ''Baby, you can tell me anything. I promise I won't get mad you.'' he says to me.

''Don't say something you can't keep a promise.'' I say to him as I wipe tears away.

''I don't. I love you. I can't be mad at you.'' he tells me.

I nod and look down. I take a deep breath before telling him everything about me doubting in my feelings for a long time. Throughout the telling, he gives me different expressions. Some sweet ones, others some angry ones. But luckily most of them were caring ones.

When I've told him it all, he says nothing. Instead he leans in and kisses me deeply. I mentally sigh in relief and kiss him back. He then pulls away and leans in forehead against mine. ''Baby, first off, I'm not mad at you for telling me this. Second, I'm glad you've chosen me, because I honestly wouldn't understand why, if you'd chosen Cap.'' he tells me.

I roll my eyes at him. ''Yes, I know you wouldn't.'' I say to him.

He chuckles at me. ''You love me.'' he says.

I smile at him. ''Yes, I do. I love you more than anything.'' I tell him truly. He chuckles at me. I feel so happy to get that off my chest. I've been feeling so bad for keeping it a secret. But I feel more than relieved that he still loves me and wants to be with me.

He kisses me again and this time with more passion. When we pull away, he takes my hand and pulls me towards the elevator. He pushes the floor with our bedroom. When the doors open, he pulls me into the bedroom and then we have sex.

Iron Man 3/Captain America: The Winter Solder (Sequeal to The Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now