Can't kill you if you're already dead

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Hill leads us into a dark hall, and we see a man running towards us. ''GSW. She's lost at least a pint.'' Hill tells him. I take off my suit as I'm walking. The suit then integrates and walks by itself because of Jarvis.

''Maybe two.'' Sam then says.

''Let me take her.'' the man says to Hill.

''She'll want to see him first.'' Hill suddenly says. Who? Steve and I look at each other. We then get leaded into a room. Hill slides away the curtains and we see the person we least expected. Nick. He lies on a hospital bed.

He looks up at us. ''About damn time.'' he says to us.

Nat then gets taking care of by the doctor. ''Nick.'' I whisper. Steve takes his arm around my shoulder.

Nick smiles at me. ''Come here.'' he says to me.

I walk towards him and stand in front of him. He offers me his hand and I take it. ''I thought you were dead.'' I say to him.

''We all did. Even I thought I was dead. But I couldn't let that happen, because I knew you someday needed my help. And I promised both your dad and Phil to take care of you, no matter what. And I keep my promises.'' he says to me. I nod at him and cry out tears. Steve comes to me and brings me into a hug in comfort.

''So what happened to you?'' Sam asks Nick.

''I got shot.'' he tells Sam. Steve takes me to the back of the room, so they can talk. As we stand and listen, he holds me close to his body.

''Yes, but what happened to you? How are you right now?'' he asks Nick again, referring to the different types of wounds.

''Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, and one hell of a headache.'' he tells us.

''Don't forget your collapsed lung.'' the doctor says to him.

''Let's not forget that.'' nick says in sarcasm as he looks at the doctor. ''Otherwise, I'm good.'' he then says and lies down again.

''They cut you open. Your heart stopped.'' Nat suddenly says to him, probably still not believing that he's alive.

''Tetrodotoxin B. Slows the pulse to one beat a minute. Banner developed it for stress. Didn't work so great for him, but we found a use for it.'' he tells us.

''Why all the secrecy? Why not just tell us?'' Steve suddenly asks him in a bit of annoyance. I understand him. I would've love to know about this as well.

''Any attempt on the Director's life had to look successful.'' Hill explains him.

''Can't kill you if you're already dead.'' Nick then says. They have some good points there. ''Besides, I wasn't sure who to trust.'' he says to us. We then stay silent.

I suddenly remember that Tony called me earlier, so I go out of the room to call him. But before I can, I get a grip on my arm. I look back and see Steve with a worried expression. ''Where're you going?'' he asks me.

''I'm just going outside to call Tony. He called me earlier, so I should probably call him back to let him know I'm okay.'' I say to him and leave the room. I bring out my phone and call Tony.

It takes him a while, but he eventually picks it up. ''Hey, baby.'' he says in the phone. Wow, I've missed his voice.

''Hey, darling. I saw you calling earlier, so I thought it would be good to call you back.'' I tell him.

''Yeah, Jarvis told me you were busy, what were you doing?'' he asks me.

''Fighting.'' I say simply.

''Okay, but I just wanted to know how you're doing.'' he says.

''Thank you, darling. I'm doing fine. I've got some wounds, and the suit is not so good either, but I'll be all right.'' I tell him truly.

I hear him sighing. ''Honey, I can't let this happen to you. I want you to come home. I don't want you out there, where I can't protect you.'' he says seriously.

I sigh as well. I can't leave now. I just found out that both Bucky and Nick are still alive. And I can't just leave the guys behind. We've come so far now, so I might as well finish this. ''I'm sorry, darling, but I can't leave now. I have to finish this.'' I tell him.

''Honey, you can get killed! I want to see you after this!'' he says, now shouting at me.

''I know, darling, but I have to do this. Look, I promise I'll call for you, if something bad happens to me.'' I say to him, referring to the "calling for help" button on my chest.

He sighs heavily. ''Fine, but promise me you do it, as soon as something happens to you.'' he says to me.

''I promise, darling.'' I tell him truly. He stays silent. ''Look, I have to go now. I love you.'' I say to him.

''I love you too, baby. Please stay safe.'' he says to me.

''I will, you too.'' I say and hang up. I sigh heavily and lean against the wall. I actually consider flying home to him, but I can't leave the others now. They're in big troubles, especially Steve, and I can't leave them behind on their own. God, I hate when I come into these situations.

Iron Man 3/Captain America: The Winter Solder (Sequeal to The Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now