New life's

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At christmas morning, a lot happened. First, I heard from Tony that the vice president got arrested, thanks to James. Also Trevor Slattery got arrested, the guy who pretended to be the Mandarin. Happy wakes up from his coma, which is the greatest news of them all. Tony has given some working machines to a boy he met, while he was gone after the attack on the mansion.

As Tony promised me, he got me sorted out, took out the Extremis of my body. It took him some tinkering, what he's best at. But he then asked me out of nowhere.

''Why stop here?'' I knew exactly what he meant. He wanted to have an operation, so he can get the arc-reactor and the shrapnel out of his body and out of his life. In the evening he gives me a necklace with a red heart on. I love it so much.

Because the mansion is no longer there, we don't have a place to live, which means that we're moving back to New York in Stark Tower. I've missed the tower so much. When we get there, we see that it looks way better than before the New York attack. I can't help but think about the memories we have. Of course the attack by the aliens is on top of the list, but also that Tony and I got our first kiss here.

I find a person who can teach me to control my powers. A scientist from SHIELD who also have powers, but she doesn't want to be a hero. She loves science too much to give it up. I get her, being a hero or agent is a tough job.

At my lessons, she tells me that I can choose a body by focusing on the person, just like what Bruce said to me. I still think about what he said about my powers being a bad thing. And as he told me, I'm not going to use my powers unless it's absolutely necessary.

After a lot of tryings, I finally get control over my powers, and since I got it under control, I haven't used my powers since. Only the ones that won't affect other people, the powers I've been having since I was born.

I'm now in the laboratories in the tower and work on a new suit that I have upgraded. I don't use so much time on it as Tony, but I still work on it. This is only my third suit of my collection, Mark 3.

My new upgradings is first off, different colours. The Mark 3 still has black on it, but now also a bit of gold as Tony's suits. Other upgradings than the colours, is the repulsers, sentry-mode with Jarvis, Intra-red scan so I can see through walls, mini guns under the shoulder plates, Autonomic Prehensile Propulsion Technology, in other words: the integrate/disintegrate system, like the Mark 42 and Mark 2 in my own collection had, tank missiles in the forearm, something with shield generators (this was Tony's idea) and the last upgrade is a core suit, meaning that the suit is has a core unit that can assemble with another suit. Tony calls it the Hulkbuster, if Bruce suddenly turns into the Hulk. But even though I can use it, Tony won't let me, because he doesn't want me to get hurt.

''Honey?'' I hear Tony call from the entrance. I turn around to see him stand at the door with his arms crossed.

''Yes, darling?'' I say, waiting for him to say something.

''Are you not coming to bed?'' he asks me. I frown at him and look at the clock, that tells 1 AM. Have I really worked for that long? I've been so busy and so concentrated that I've totally lost time. But I can't stop now, I right now make the repulsers. I have to finish this before I can go to bed.

I look over at Tony. ''Yes, I'll be there in 5 minutes.'' I tell him and then keep working.

''So you mean 5 hours?'' he then says to me. I freeze, because I know he refer to my own words back at the mansion. I look down at my hands, thinking of how obsessed I've become.

I promised myself that I won't become this much affected on my suits, but since the battle on the Norco with the Mandarin, I've only concentrated about protecting Tony from bad things. I know he thinks the same way about me, because it was actually me who almost got killed.

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