Agent Sitwell

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I wake up from my black out. I lie in the same bed and Steve sits on the bed like before, with my hand in his hand. He sees my eyes open, and squeezes my hand. ''You okay?'' he asks me like when I woke up from the punch from Sam.

I smile at him and nod. ''Yes, I'm fine.''

He nods at me before standing from the bed, still my hand in his. ''We're leaving in 10 minutes. We're going to find Agent Sitwell.'' he tells me.

I nod and stand from the bed. I see my suit lie on the floor, disintegrated. I swing my arms so it integrates again so I can use it. I then walk out to the kitchen right behind Steve. I see Nat and Sam talk to each other.

When they see me, Nat walks over to me. ''Em, you okay?'' she asks me and hugs me in a protecting way.

''Yes, I'm fine.'' I tell her truly.

She pulls away from the hug to look at my face. ''I don't see any scratches beside your nose bleeding.'' she says.

I look over at Sam who's got an apologetic look. He then walks over to me and extends his hand to me. ''Sam Wilson. Sorry for punching you in the face. I thought you were after Steve since you had that suit...'' he starts but I interrupt him.

''It's okay, Mr. Wilson. As long as you don't hurt my suit. I understand your actions. You were just trying to protect my friends. I appreciate that. Thank you.'' I tell him truly.

''Don't thank me, they're my friends too.'' he says to me. I nod in respond. After that we leave the house to find Agent Sitwell, because he has some information we need. I put on my suit before we leave.

We made a deal, that Sam is going to talk with agent Sitwell on the phone while Steve, Nat and I wait for him at the car. We wait for a while, but eventually we get a call from Sam that Sitwell is on his way over towards the car. We all get out of the car.

As planned, I make myself invisible and wait for him to approach. When Sitwell approaches us, I attack him by taking my arm around his neck and my hand on his head so I can kill him by breaking his neck if he does anything.

I make myself visible again, so he can see me. He jumps and shouts in fear by suddenly seeing me holding him. Normally I wouldn't be stronger than him, but because I'm wearing the suit, I get extra strength.

Suddenly Steve and Nat stand in front of us. Sitwell wides his eyes when he sees them. And before he knows it, we're on the roof of a building. Steve throws him on the ground. ''Tell me about Zola's algorithm.'' Steve says as he, Nat and I walk threatening towards him.

Sitwell stands from the ground while walking backwards towards the edge of the building. ''Never heard of it.'' he says as he puts on his glasses.

''What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?'' Steve asks him.

''I was throwing up. I get seasick.'' he tells us. He's now at the edge and is about to fall down, but Steve grabs him before he falls down. He now smiles cocky at Steve. I get sick of it, so I'm about to kick him off the roof, but Nat holds me back. ''Is this little display means to insinuate that you're gonna throw my off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers.'' Sitwell continues.

Steve then relaxes. ''You're right. It's not. It's theirs.'' he says in a relaxed tone and then moves aside so Nat and I can kick him off the roof. But before I can even react, Nat does the business.

''Hey, I wanted to do that.'' I say to her in protest.

She shrugs. ''But I did it first.'' she reasons. I stick my tongue out to her. She returns the gesture.

Suddenly Sam as the Falcon comes back up with Sitwell and throws him on the ground as well like Steve did. We walk towards him. Sitwell holds up a hand to get some space, before we do anything to him.

''Zola's algorithm is a program for choosing insight's targets.'' he says without any breath left in his lungs.

''What targets?'' Steve asks him in a hard tone.

''You.'' Sitwell says and points at Steve. ''A TV anchor in Cairo, the Under Secretary of Defense, a high school Valedictorian in Iowa City, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA. Now or in the future.'' he says quickly.

''The future? How could it know?'' Steve asks in confusion.

Sitwell then laughs at Steve. ''How could it not?'' He then says in a sudden angry tone. Nat and I share a look. He then stands from the ground. ''The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it. Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, emails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores! Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future.'' he tells us as he looks at all of us.

''And what then?'' Steve asks.

Sitwell scratches the back of his head in nervousness. That's what I do as well, when I get nervous. ''Oh my God, Pierce is gonna kill me.'' Sitwell says, doesn't want to answer Steve's question.

I then decide to step forward and aim my repulsers at him. ''Answer him!'' I say in my warning tone.

''No, Emma, it's okay.'' Steve says to me. I hesitate but eventually take down my hand. ''What then?'' he asks Sitwell again.

''Then the Insight helicarriers scratch people off the list. A few million at a time.'' Sitwell suddenly tells us. Oh God. This is bad.

Steve then turns to me and nods. I nod as well and walk towards Sitwell. Now I finally got my blessing for taking Sitwell. I grab him by the shirt and fly up. He screams in terror. I roll my eyes at him. What a wimp, he thinks he's a man, but then screams like a girl when he suddenly gets threatened.

I stop at the our car and open the door before pushing him inside in the backseat. The others get here fast and gets in as well. I sit in the backseat with Sitwell and Nat while Sam drives and Steve in passenger seat. We then drive away and towards the Helicarrier.

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