Finishing Mark 3 and finishing the book

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The next couple of days, we both work on our suits. I'm finishing my Mark 3, while he works on his Mark 43, his first of the new collection, since the battle against the Mandarin. The second day on the process of finishing my Mark 3, I finally do the last settlements.

''Jarvis, it's time for armor testing.'' I say to him. I feel Tony looking at me.

''Well done, miss. Congratulations with your new Mark.'' he says to me and suddenly a bit of confetti explodes in the lab. Dum-E and U has a party dunce hat on.

I walk on the platform. The Mark 3 has the sensor system in it, so I tighten my muscles as I lift my arm. The hand-piece moves and flies to my hand, attaching itself. The other hand, the legs, stomach, crotch (Ow!), shoulders, helmet and at last the flap of the helmet. ''I'm the best.'' I say to myself in smugness.

Tony then chuckles at me. ''You're amazing, baby.'' he says to me.

I walk down from the platform and towards him. ''Thank you, but you're more amazing than I am. This is only my number 3, you're on your number 43. I'm far behind.'' I tell him. I now stand right in front of the chair he sits on. I look down at him.

He smiles and stands from the chair. He then takes the helmet off me and kisses me. ''That's not important. You're right, but it's not important. The important thing is that you're a protected.'' he says to me before giving me on the helmet again.

''Yes.'' I say to him and go to the platform. I then take off the suit and then make it integrate to a full suit. I turn back to Tony. ''So I was thinking, we could watch a movie tonight.'' I say to him.

He raises his eyebrows. ''Really? You? Watching movies? You gotta be kidding me.'' he says to me.

I chuckle at him. ''Yes, yes, I admit. I'm not very patient with movies, if they're not my interest, but maybe if we find a film that actually is my interest, I'll see the full movie.'' I promise him.

He gives me the "come on" look. ''Baby, I know you. After 10 minutes of the film, you walk back down here and take the suit on instead, because you think it's way funnier than watching a bad movie with your boyfriend.'' he tells me.

I shake my head. ''That's not true. Nothing is funnier to do, then being together with my boyfriend.'' I say to him. He then stays silent. I give him my brig brown eyes. ''Come on, baby. Please.'' I say to him.

He looks at me and then kisses my lips. ''Okay, baby. We watch a movie.'' he says and stands from the chair. The takes my hand and pulls me out of the lab, closing the lab down. After watching the movie, we go to bed.

When I get into the bed and lie in Tony's arms, I think of me being in doubt for so long, and if choosing Tony would be the right choice. I know now. It is the right choice. I love Tony. It's him I want to be with.

Yes, people say he's a playboy and etc., but I know my boyfriend and I trust him. I trust him with my life. I will take bullet for him. And once again, I can't imagine my life without Tony. We've been together for a long time now, and I hope it'll continue for longer than that.

To be continued...

Iron Man 3/Captain America: The Winter Solder (Sequeal to The Avengers)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें