Maya and attack at the mansion

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I start packing my own and Tony's stuff to get out of here as soon as possible. He says he wants to protect me, and he does this. This is not a way of protecting me. Lucky for him that I can protect myself. And I also protect Tony, that's why I pack his bags and take him with me against his own will.

I then hear the doorbell, but I know that Tony's gonna take it, because he's in the garage. After packing I get my new suit, so I'll be ready if something suddenly happens. I have taking my old suit into my closet now and not in the garage with Tonys suits. I take my bags and start to walk downstairs. I can hear a woman's voice, so I drop the bags so they land in the living room, right next to Tony in the Mark 42.

''With her.'' I hear him say.

''Tony. Is somebody there?'' I ask him while I walk down the stairs with the suit walking behind me.

''Yeah, it's Maya Hansen. Old botanist pal that I used to know, barely.'' he tells me as he gets out of the suit. I now try to walk pass the big bunny, that stands in my way at the bottom of the stairs. God, I hate that thing... Tony draws her aside and I can figure out he's going to say something he doesn't want me to hear, so I use my super hearing to hear what he says to her.

''Please don't tell me that there's a 12-year-old kid waiting in the car that I've never met.'' I hear him, thinking that he's a father.

''He's 13.'' she then says. You got to be kidding me. Tony then makes a weird noise that tells me he thinks it's his son. ''No.'' I mentally sigh relief. ''I need your help.'' she says.

''What for? Why now?'' he asks her. Is he stupid or what? It's of course about the news earlier today, you moron.

''Because I read the paper, and, frankly, I don't think you'll last the week.'' she's so right. He won't last, if he's not coming with me now. I finally pass the bunny, and then walk towards them. I stop and tell my suit to stay next to Tony's suit, so I don't scare our guest, more than she already is by Tony's suit.

''I'll be fine.'' I hear Tony say before I break in.

''Hello Miss Hansen, I'm Emma Clark, Tony's girlfriend. Nice to meet you.'' I offer my hand to her. She takes it and shakes it.

''Nice to meet you too. So you're also Iron Man? Or Iron Woman I should rather say.'' she jokes. I chuckle at her joke before shaking my head.

''No I'm not Iron Man, Woman. It's just Tony who built it for me. Nothing hero in that. I'm a SHIELD agent.

''Oh, yeah. I see that now.'' she says as she looks at my suit. I then feel guilty to be like this on a first impression.

''I'm sorry, Miss Hansen for the suits and this greeting, but since the attack with Happy, I didn't know we were expecting guests.'' I say nicely to her.

''We weren't.'' Tony says.

''Or any old girlfriends!'' I say to her, raising an eyebrow.

''She's not really.'' Tony says to me. I give him a ''yeah right?'' look.

''No, not really. It was just one night.'' Miss Hansen then says.

''Yep.'' I look at Tony again with a smile.

''Right.'' I say with my arms behind my back.

''It was a great night.'' he says to Miss Hansen. He then looks at my suit behind me before looking at me confused. ''Honey, why is your suit down here anyway?'' I look at him.

''I could ask you the same right now.'' I say and nod towards his. ''And the other day as well.'' I say with a smile on my lips.

''It was for an upgrading!'' he shouts at me. I chuckle at him for being so stubborn and then look at Miss Hansen.

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