Friends in troubles

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The next day, I work on my Mark 3. I still need a lot before it's ready for deployment. I hear ACDC music while I work on it. I love to hear the music while working, because it makes me forget things. But for some reason, I can't seem to be concentrating so good.

I sigh heavily and bury my head in my hands. I hate this. Even though I hear the music, I can't seem to forget about Nick. not because I want to, but it would be nice to think of something else, just for a moment.

''Miss, your working progress is slower than usual and you seem to be not the same when you work. Is everything alright?'' Jarvis asks me worryingly.

I sigh heavily and take my hands away from my face. ''I'm okay, Jarvis. I just can't stop thinking of Nick.'' I tell him.

''It's perfectly normal, miss. When you lose someone, they're the only ones you think of.'' he tells me.

''Yeah, I noticed.'' I say to him.

I then hear the elevator doors open and I look towards the elevator to see Tony with ruffled hair, which makes him look mouthwatering. ''Hey, baby.'' he says to me when he approaches me. He then pecks my lips and goes to his own workplace.

''Hello, darling.'' I say to him.

''You okay?'' he asks me.

I look down. ''Yeah, I just... Well, I just... You know, I just... Yeah, you know.'' I say him.

With that he frowns at me and walks over to me. He puts a hand on my forehead. ''You're not hot.'' he says to me. He then takes his hand in my hair and caresses me. ''Baby, what's going on?'' he asks me.

I sigh heavily and shake my head. ''Nothing.'' I mumble and stand from the chair, walking out of the lab.

But Tony takes a grip on my arm and pulls me back to him. ''Baby, if it's Nick you think about, then I already know. Jarvis told me.'' he tells me.

''Jarvis!'' I shout at him. ''You know how I feel about telling Tony about my problems.'' I say to him.

''I'm do apologies, miss, but I'm doing because I care about you.'' he says to me.

''He's right, baby. We only do this, because we care about you.'' he tells me.

I sigh. ''I know. I just hate to tell people about my problems, because then they think I just want attention, which I don't.'' I say to him.

''I don't think so, because I know so.'' he says and kisses my lips. I nod at him.

Suddenly my phone rings. I see it's Natasha and pick it up. ''Hey, Nat.'' I say to her.

''Emma! We need your help!'' I hear say with a bit frighten in her tone.

''Nat, what's going on?'' I ask her.

''SHIELD is after Steve to arrest him, because he's got information about Nick's death.'' she tells me.

''SHIELD? Why is SHIELD after Steve, if he's got information about Nick's death? Nick is the director, everybody should've known. And why hasn't Steve just told them, they deserve to know how their director died.'' I say to her in a bit of an angry tone. Tony takes his arms around my waist, but I ignore him.

''He can't, Emma. SHIELD is overtaken by HYDRA. A man named Alexander Pierce is their leader.'' she tells me.

''What?!'' I ask in disbelieve.

''We need you to come in. We can't do this alone.'' she says to me.

''All right, I'll meet you as soon as I can. Where are you right now?'' I ask her.

''I'll tell you in abut an hour, just drive to New Jersey, and I'll call you before you reach it.'' she says.

''Okay, I'll leave immediately.'' I say and hang up. I look at Tony. ''I have to go, darling. Nat and Steve needs me on a mission.'' I tell him.

His face drops. ''Another mission? Baby, I know it's your job, but after the whole Mandarin thing, I don't know if I can let you go on this mission.'' he tells me.

I sigh and take my arms around his waist. ''Look, I know you're afraid of me getting hurt, but I got the suit and I got Jarvis. I know the whole Mandarin was a big mouthful, but as I've said with my other missions, I promise I call you, if something bad happens.'' I tell him.

He hesitates but eventually nods. ''Okay, but only because of Romanoff and Capsicle. They're still friends, so you can go.'' he says to me.

I smile at him and kiss him deeply. ''Thank you, darling. I promise to be careful.'' I say to him.

''Good.'' he says and kisses me a last time before I have to leave.

I then leave him in the lab and walk to the elevator. ''Jarvis?''

''What can I help you with, miss?'' Jarvis says.

''Make my suit ready, please.'' I tell him.

''Yes, miss. I'll bring it to you in the garage immediately.'' he says.

''Thank you, Jarvis.'' I say. I reach the garage and find the suit already standing there. ''Good, you're here.'' I say to him and walk to the Audi.

''Of course, miss.'' he says and walks with me.

''Get the suit in the back seat and then turn it off.'' I tell him.

''Yes, miss.'' he says and gets in the car. I get in the driver seat and start the car. I then drive out of the garage and towards New Jersey. I hope this is a really good reason. I honestly already regret leaving Tony here.

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