Gone? or not?

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Okay, i've been feeling pretty bad about freaking him out like that. But the truth is, after living in his house for a little bit, I became attached.

When I got hit by that truck, it made me think.

Why did I push him out of the way?

I don't know, something in my gut wanted me to protect him. I know protecting a random guy on the street seems weird.

But, relay the fact that I died pushing this Irishman out of the way. The only thing I need to worry about is introducing myself.

I "sat" on the ceiling, looking down at the man. He clicked away at his mouse, talking to a camera.

I shrugged at him and sighed. He's been doing this a lot these past days.

Maybe it was his career? Like a YouTuber? Ah! Yes! He is!

Even though I am a ghost doesn't mean that I forgot all of those things. I was only 24/25 year old that just recently died.

Its only been a week or so since i passed, but every so often I would visit my parents house.

The only thing is they acted normal. Acting just like I was there. Who knows? Maybe they didn't know I passed away.

My body is either disintegrated or burned. The hospital didn't even get a call back from my parents i'm guessing.

It's like they knew I was gone, but didn't bother. They are just like a normal family; but knowing that there daughter passed away.

You know, it has me thinking.. Why don't I just go to my parents house and "haunt" them?

Well I would, but the thing is they live in America and ever since I moved to Ireland they didn't like that idea.

My dad even had the balls to hid my airplane ticket and my luggage's. Everything I had in there he hid from me.

But, I can't worry about that right now. My number one priority is the man I saved.

Goner » Jacksepticeye x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now