What's up?

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With my parents not knowing if I was dead or not was peaking my curiosity just a bit.

I've been floating around this mans house for about a  week now and I still haven't made my move.

I need to do that now.

He sat on the couch, watching some tv with a box of pizza next to him. He gripped on a slice, while intensely looking at the tv screen.

I was sitting next to him, even though he couldn't see me. This was my chance.

Maybe he would hear me?

"Hello." I trailed my voice off. The man whipped his head around. His eyes were filling with fear and he shrieked.

Okay, maybe he heard me. "Look next to you," I said softly, making myself more visible for him.

His eyes suddenly go in shock and fear once he noticed I was next to him.

"What the fuck," he yells, running of the couch. He reaches the corner of the room. "What the fuck! What the hell!" He yells out loud again.

"C'mon Jack, you're fine. You're just tired. Just close your eyes." He whispers to himself.

Okay.. So I found out his name. Jack. That's a cute name.

"Please, just please leave me alone. I'll do whatever you want me to do ghost." Jack begs me, lowering himself to the ground.

"I'm sorry. Please, just let me explain myself." I say, floating closer to him. He looks at me with unease, then carefully comes up the wall.

"Alright, i'll let you," Jack says walking up to me. "Just don't pull anything."

"Okay, so your first question is why am I here? Well i recently died and followed you here because.." I pause for a moment, lifting my hand to my chin. "I feel that you need to be protected.. I'm not quite sure why but please trust me." I say in all one breath.

"Okay, but tell me more about yourself?" He offers. "Of course." I smile towards him.

Goner » Jacksepticeye x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now