Chapter 14: Boarders

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I sat on the lonely white porch swing and slowly pushed myself back and forth with the tip of my toes. The cold breeze didn't bother me as I listened to the crickets chirp and the dogs barking in the distance. It was more relaxing to sit in the cold than it was to sit in the warm house. I needed the fresh air, it was like I was suffocating inside. There were to many questions and thoughts rotating in my mind that refused to leave. Not like it was any better outside, but it was a little bit less harsh as everything inside helped the rotating.

Mom had only left an hour before. I felt guilty from the fight, but even then I refused to talk to her the rest of the day. When she said goodbye I pretended to be asleep and when she said I love you I just turned away from her. I plainly felt guilty, mad, and confused. I didn't understand it myself, but it was awful feeling this way. I feel that I was just in my actions, but there was a cloud of doubt over it.

There was nothing else happening out side other than the natural noise of the neighborhood. I just sat there and stared over at Nathans house, I wanted to see him. He would probably know what to say to ease the thoughts darkening my whole day. I could see people walking by the windows, but none of them seemed to be Nathan. I saw an older woman and man walking around the bottom floor. They were probably his parents. I just stare hoping to be able to sneak a peak at Nathan. Maybe even just a

I don't know what had taken over me, but I walked off the porch and ventured over to the white house. I stopped at the side walk staring down at it. It was the boundary of how far I was willing to go. It was just a few weeks ago that I taunted the idea of passing it, but ended up not doing it. At that time I had chickened out and embarrassed myself in front of Naomi and Nathan. Tonight wasn't any different as I turned around and walked back to the porch. I paused in front of the stairs.

The thought of going as far as the street was terrifying. My boundaries would of been pushed and I had no idea how the outside world would treat me. Maybe Mom was right the world is too much for me, but she could be wrong. I made friends with Nathan, and became his girlfriend. I'm kinda friends with Naomi. I could possibly fit in in the outside world, I want to fit into it. I have to fit into it.

I turned back around and eyed the sidewalk. If I was going to be part of the outside world I would have to push boundaries. I ran to the sidewalk and hoped over it onto the grey pavement. I quickly ran back to the porch. Smile spread across my face as I hopped up and down in excitement. My heat was beating so fast, but I enjoyed it. It was exciting and exhilarating I was pushing boundaries. It was literally one step closer to finding my freedom and escaping the boarders.

A/N: Sorry that it isn't very long, I tried to make this chapter as long as I could. Don't forget to vote or comment if you enjoyed it. :)

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