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Alec had completely different classes other than their lunch.... Well except for Science. Andy and Alec shared the same lunch allowing them sit together instead of being alone. This was a change for Andy, usually she just tags along with whoever takes over her table. It usually ends up being the nerds or dirt-balls but, either one still ignores her existence.

However when Alec moved next to her, everything turned upside down. The bullying had came to a stop and the jocks moved into her lunch table since Alec turned out to be a lacrosse player. Even though all the jocks did different sports they all seemed to relate to one another.

Alec was different and Andy saw it, she knew deep inside his heart he was like her: An Outsider. Andy wasn't a nerd, a jock, a dirt-ball, a cheerleader or even popular. Somehow Alec could fake it, he could hide his depressing nights at home and put a smile for all to see, except for his father. Andy had never seen Alec act this way, he was a totally different person. When he came to the family reunion, his face was emotionless and his whole aurora was dark and dreary.

Andy started to copy Alec's smile and wave. Which seemed to gain her one friend named, Melanie. She was a nerd with big green rimmed glasses, Mel would always have a book with her even if she was eating lunch. She called it her: Escape From The World. Which made Andy want to start carrying a book everywhere to block every disgusting comment and ugly look.

As days went on Alec started to gradually pull away from the other Jocks. He focused more on Andy and Mel, instead of his usual friends. This made Andy's bullying come back and slowly start to turn her insane. She used to be used to it but, after a few weeks of freedom, Andy doesn't want to go back to the way things used to be.

Before The Pills (PREQUEL, In The Field Series) Where stories live. Discover now